Am 10.12: Alte Universität, Besprechung 003 / Am 11.12: Alte Universität, Seminarraum -201
Basel Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizations (DBAW), Organizers: Laurence Cappa Dafflon, Christine Luz Martin
The Future of Epigraphy. From Manual Copying to Digital Reconstruction - Workshop

The future of epigraphy lies in the integration of modern technologies such as 3D modelling, geographic information systems (GIS) and drawing software for the better understanding and conservation of Ancient objects and monuments. These technologies allow precise documentation and preservation of inscriptions and epigraphic information, facilitate measurement and statistical analysis, provide access to data via databases and online platforms, and notably promote collaborative and interdisciplinary research.
This workshop offers a practical and interactive introduction to such tools and invites the participants to explore these technologies for their own personal research. In addition, our aim is to discuss and to discover in what ways modern technologies complement traditional fieldwork, i.e. the direct experience of the researcher and in particular archaeological drawing, which in turn captures and highlights details that are crucial for analysis, documentation and conservation.
The workshop will be held by two experts:
- Dr. Timothée Sassolas-Serrayet, researcher at the University of Montpellier, who is a specialist in photogrammetry and modelling and GIS software adapted to epigraphy and surface studies.
- Anja Stoll, draughtswoman and specialist in infographics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, who will share her practical expertise in the drawing of archaeological objects and mural reliefs.
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