21 oct 2024
18:15  - 19:45

IPNA, Spalenring 145, 4055 Basel, Seminarraum O504


Public event, Guest lecture / Talk, Colloquium

Lifestyle and body composition changes after the release of COVID 19 restrictions: do humans go 'back to normal’?

Vortrag von Nicole Bender, Universität Zürich, im Rahmen des Forschungskolloquiums IPNA/UFG/PRA („Kränzli“), HS 2024

Humans adapt their lifestyle behaviour (diet, physical activity, etc) according to the environment. The Swiss nationwide restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the years 2000-2021 lead to changes in diet, physical activity habits, and self-reported BMI in large parts of the population. We investigated if diet related behaviours, physical activity, and health outcome measures changed back since the end of the COVID-19 restrictions, providing an example for human behavioural adaptation. We assessed diet and physical activity using a standardized questionnaire in a general population cohort (2019-2023). We measured anthropometry and body composition using a 3D body scanner and bioimpedance analysis. We considered potential confounders such as education, age, and sex. Our results show no major changes in BMI and body composition measures or lifestyle. In both sexes, physical activity was the most relevant factor associated to BMI. Our study population consisted of mainly highly educated people, what could contribute to the resilience towards challenging situations.

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Für Studierende besteht die Möglichkeit, für das Forschungskolloquium (LV 72536-01) einen Kreditpunkt zu erwerben.
Für Detailinformationen wenden Sie sich bitte an Claudia Gerling (claudia.gerling@unibas.ch).

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