Licentiate theses

Simone Berger:
Greeks in Cicero

Micha Jäggi:
Mos Maiorum and Identity Construction - Roman Identity in Sallust's "De coniuratione Catilinae" (2007/8)

Jan Meister:
The Body of the Princeps. On the Construction of Corporeality in Suetona "de vita Caesarum" against the Background of Imperial Representation of Rule

Bärbel Schenk-Kaiser:
Society in the Province of Sicily in Cicero's Speeches against Verres. A prosopographical attempt (2007/8)

Corrado Sempio:
Cicero's "Pro Milone". Political Meaning and Rhetorical Strategies

Eliane Stauffiger:
Between Obedience and Mutiny - Internal Military Conflicts in the Roman Army at the Time of the Republic 218-31 BC.

Thomas Tschopp:
The orator and his audience in Athens of the 4th century B.C. A historical study of the relationship between orator and jury on the basis of Aeschinies 1 (2003/4)

Ines Urich Grieder:
Syria and Judea under Hadrian: Costs and Benefits of Roman Provincial Policy (2006/7).