The Collegium Beatus Rhenanus (CBR) is a Classical & Ancient Studies research and teaching network. As an inheritor of the humanist tradition in the Upper-Rhine Region the CBR merges the scientific potential of the French, German and Swiss universities (Members).
The CBR is made up of the Classical & Ancient Studies Institutes of the Upper-Rhine Universities of Basel, Freiburg im Breisgau, Mulhouse and Strasbourg. It was founded by an agreement on November 27, 1997 within the EUCOR Programwhich is an association of the Upper-Rhine Universities. This CBR agreement was renewed in 2007. From 2008 onwards all the Classical & Ancient Studies Institutes of the Upper-Rhine Universities are members of the CBR. The current President is Prof. Brigitte Röder, Basel University.
The CBR is named after the humanist Beatus Rhenanus (1485-1547) who symbolizes the intellectual unity of the Upper-Rhine Region. He was born in Schlettstadt/Sélestat in 1485 and studied Classical Languages in Basel, Strasbourg and Paris. He established ties with some great Humanists before focusing on the edition of numerous ancient, mostly Latin, authors in Basel. He spent the last twenty years of his life in Schlettstadt/Sélestat where he wrote his “Res germanicae”, a monumental work which covers the history of Germany from its beginnings to the 11th century. At his death in 1547, he left behind the “humanist library” a way of conserving his memory.
– cross-border exchanges between researchers (Newsletter)
– realisation of common research programmes (Projects) and publishing of the results (Publications)
– offering training to young researchers through a multitude of courses in a variety of fields and disciplines as well as through openness towards other scientific traditions, notably within the Trinational Master Degree (TMA).
The members of the CBR gather together annually on the first Friday in December to attend a general assembly in which the activities of the CBR are discussed. The four universities alternate in taking the chair of the CBR (Contact).