Non-lending collection Roman Egypt Laboratory (room 310)
The temporary non-lending collection is composed of holdings from the University Library Basel and the subject area Ancient History and is run by the research projectBasel Climate Science and Ancient History Lab of Ancient History. It therefore covers related topics such as climate change, environmental stress and social change, especially in the 3rd century AD (location "Büro 310 Präsenzbibliothek Roman Egypt Laboratory" in the library catalogue swisscovery Basel). More information on the individual subprojects and their occupations can be found under the project description on our website.
Usage information
This non-lending collection is located on the 3rd floor of the Department of Ancient Civilizations in room 310, where our staff members also have their workplace and conduct their research. Therefore, we kindly ask you to behave considerately in the non-lending collection just like in the Library of Ancient Civilizations. The books can only be used on site; borrowing is not possible.
Copies and scans from the titles in the non-lending collection can be ordered in swisscovery Basel.
The non-lending collection is accessible at all times for staff members with a key. For external guests or students, please contact the person listed below.
If you have any questions, please contact the contact person indicated below.

Department of Ancient Civilizations
Non-lending collection Roman Egypt Laboratory
Petersgraben 51
Room 310
4051 Basel
Opening hours
Mon-Fri, 09:00-17:00
The non-lending collection is closed on closing days of the Library of Ancient Civilizations.