Non-lending collection Papyrology (room 305)
The temporary non-lending collection is composed of holdings of the University Library Basel and the subject area Ancient History and is run by researchers of Ancient History on papyrology. In addition to papyrus editions, it also includes editions of ostraca and tablets (location "Büro 305 Präsenzbibliothek Papyrologie" in the library catalog swisscovery Basel).
Information on use
This non-lending collection is located on the 3rd floor of the Department of Ancient Civilizations in room 305, where our staff members also have their workplace and conduct their research. Therefore, we ask you to behave considerately in the non-lending collection just like in the Library of Ancient Civilizations. Borrowing is not possible. Only staff members of the Department of Ancient Civilizations may take items to their own office in the Department of Ancient Civilizations and only for a short period of time, provided that a placeholder is filled out and placed at the location of the item taken. Placeholders are located on the table next to the column in room 305.
Copies and scans from the titles in the non-lending collection can be ordered in swisscovery Basel.
The editions are generally listed according to the Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic, and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca, and Tablets classified. You can find the editions you are looking for either by entering the title in the library catalog swisscovery Basel or directly on this page via our holdings lists. This way you can find out the respective signature of the edition you are looking for, which will tell you its location in room 305.
The non-lending collection is accessible at all times for staff members with a key. For external guests or students, please contact the person listed below, the student assistants in room 305 or the assistants in room 302.
If you have any questions, please contact the contact person listed below, the student assistants in room 305, the assistants in room 302, or get in touch using the contact form below. We would be very grateful for feedback, suggestions for improvement and hints regarding missing books, new publications, online editions that are not on our lists, as well as any other additional information.

Department of Ancient Civilizations
Non-lending collection Papyrology
Room 305
Petersgraben 51
4051 Basel
Opening hours
Tuesdays 13:30-17:30
Thursdays 13:30-17:30
(otherwise by appointment)
The non-lending collection is closed on closing days of the Library of Ancient Civilizations.