Papyrus Portal

Basel is one of the major universities that owns, has edited, and published papyri in German-speaking Switzerland, and thus we will be contributing our papyrological data and images to Papyrus Portal and Organa Papyrological.
"The 'Papyrus Portal' is a project that enables the user with both the opportunity of an efficient and effective search of all digitized and electronically catalogued papyrus collections in Germany and an unified presentation of the search results with the most important information on the particular papyrus. This includes links to the local databases with more detailed data. The 'Papyrus Portal' equalizes the different information technologies of the original databases and presents the search results in a standard format. A standard to record the metadata has been established. The 'Papyrus Portal' is compatible to the Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS) and other meta-databases. Using the Open Source SoftwareMyCoRe, and incorporating the experience from the Papyrus Project Halle-Jena-Leipzig , the 'Papyrus Portal' was established with funds of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft."
Click here for direct access to our future website on this platform.
The aim of the site Organa Papyrologica is to "create an international portal to all the papyrological online tools according to the motto nomen est omen." Organa Papyrological builds the umbrella website that offers also papyrological tools, such as a new multilingual online dictionary of the technical administrative language of Graeco-Roman-Byzantine Egypt.