Licentiate Theses
Jakob Baerlocher, Early Imperial Period Graves from Vindonissa with Special Consideration of Beinernen Clines (2012).
Angela Bucher, The Roman Vicus of Sursee. Evaluation of excavation stages A and B. A contribution to the settlement history of a small Roman town in central Switzerland (2012).
Daniele Furlan, Il declino del carro da guerra come veicolo tattico da combattimento - The decline of the chariot as a tactical weapon (2011).
Simon Graber, Oriental Toreutics in Early Greece. Origin, mediation and effect of the images (2011).
Delia Sieber, Statues for the Emperor - Imperial Statues for the City. Installation Contexts of Imperial Statues in Cities of Asia Minor: Selected Examples from Miletus and Ephesus (2009).
Lea Boesinger, A Basel Sarcophagus with a Dionysian Theme (2008)
Kathrin Ernst, The Ara Gentis Augustae in Carthage (2008)
Daniela Ruppen, The Antonines did not build for the people: aspects of urban Roman building programs (2008)
Nicolas Corfu, The so-called Achaemenid Archer Coins - The Origin of Dareikoi and Sigloi (2007)
Anna Laschinger, The "cauliflower ear" in the plastic art of the Greek and Roman periods. Studies on systematics, occurrence and semantics (2007).
Reza Garosi, The Colossal Statue of Šāpūrs I in the Context of Sasanian Sculpture (2006).
Rita Gautschy, Representations of the stars on vases from Lower Italy (2006)
Christoph Carpenter, Representations of Ancient Board Games (2005).
Camilla Colombi, Le tombe femminili di Casale Marittimo. Due donne di età orientalizzante nell'Etruria settentrionale marittima (2005).
Solange Gürtler, The antique oil lamps of the J.J. Bachofen collection (2005)
Annegret Schneider, The Bone Artifacts of the Basel Excavations in Petra (Jordan) (2005)
Esau Dozio, Gli oggetti metallici della villa di EZ IV a Petra (2003)
Consuelo Keller, A Doric Frieze from Petra (Jordan) (2003)
Claude Léderrey, A geometric fountain from Eretria: on fine pottery and the search for its "primary context" (2003)
Matthias Grawehr, Selected plasters and cast coats from a bronze workshop in Petra/Jordan, Petra (2002)
Laurent L. Gorgerat, Les terres cuites anthropomorphes des Nabatéens. Étude typologique et chronologique (2001).
Stéphanie Geiger, Attic pottery in Central Europe. An attempt to interpret the iconographic and ideological selection criteria (2000).
André Barmasse, The Representations of the Gods on the Rhyta of Mithradatkert (1999)
Rolf Frank, An Iulian-Claudian Portrait from the Museum of Antiquities Basel. Subtitle: On the relationship between courtly and "private" portraiture of the early imperial period in Rome (1999).
Maxime Boillat, De la roche, des murs, des hommes ... Essai de compréhension des structures archéologiques de la terrasse inférieure d'Ez Zantur à Petra/Jordanie (1999).
Jane Wolff, Phoenician Priests, Priestesses and Temple Servants in the Persian and Early Hellenistic Epoch (1998).
Alexia Gasser, Greek Archaic Foot and Leg Vessels (1998)
Mirjam T. Jenny, Achaemenid Textiles and their Representations (1996)
Daniel Keller, The glass of ez Zantur, Petra (1995)
Marie-Claire Crelier, The early lamps of ez Zantur, Petra (1995)
Michael Oettli, Imported Trade Amphorae of Archaic and Classical Period from the "Double Trapeza" of Anchialos (1995)
Dorothea Steiner, Archaic Cypriot Votive Bearers (1992)
Christine Voltz, Boeotian genre figures (1993)
Othmar Jäggi, The Iberian bronzes from Máquiz, Mengíbar (Prov. Jaén), Madrider Mitteilungen 45, 2004, 321-350 (1992).
Stephan G. Schmid, Selected Forms of Fine Ceramics from Ez Zantur (Petra) (1992), in Rolf Stucky et alii, Petra, Ez Zantur I. Results of the Swiss-Liechtenstein Excavations 1988-1992, Terra Archaeologica II. Monographs of the Swiss-Liechtenstein Foundation for Archaeological Research Abroad (SLSA/FSLA) (1996), 151-218.
Bernhard Kolb, The House Unit II of the Swiss Excavations at Petra (1991), in: Rolf Stucky et alii, Petra, Ez Zantur I. Results of the Swiss-Liechtenstein Excavations 1988-1992, Terra Archaeologica II. Monographs of the Swiss-Liechtenstein Foundation for Archaeological Research Abroad (SLSA/FSLA) (1996), 51-89.
Christoph Schneider, Settlement History of the Cap Bon Peninsula (Tunisia) in Antiquity (1991)
Ivo Zanoni, The Lamps of Petra (1991), in: Rolf Stucky et alii, Petra, Ez Zantur I. Results of the Swiss-Liechtenstein Excavations 1988-1992, Terra Archaeologica II. Monographs of the Swiss-Liechtenstein Foundation for Archaeological Research Abroad (SLSA/FSLA) (1996), 311-336.
Karin Kob, Fragments of Panathenaic prize amphorae from Sidon (1990).
Regina Thürhoff, Weapon friezes in the area of the eastern Mediterranean (1989)
Brigitte Sabine Müller-Huber, The pathological "mania" in Greek art of the 6th-4th century B.C. (1988)
Andrea Bignasca, Un gruppo di terrecotte da Morgantina: relative al culto ctonio (1987)
Rudolf Känel, A group of Hellenistic funerary stelae from Asia Minor in the Antikenmuseum Basel & Sammlung Ludwig (1987)
Martin A. Guggisberg, Terracottas from Argos. A find complex from the theater (1985), in: BCH 112, 1988, 167-234 and 535-543.
Regine Fellmann, Gems in the Historical Museum of Basel. Representations of female deities (1986)
Tomas Lochman, A Group of Phrygian Funerary Stelae in the Basel Museum of Antiquities and Ludwig Collection (1986)
Noelle Gmür, Investigations on the mythological garland sarcophagus Hever Castle (1984)
Claudia E. Suter, The Motif of the Woman at the Window on Ivory Carvings from Arslan Taș, Nimrūd, and Horsābād and in Contemporary Written Sources (1985).
Sabina Brodbeck-Jucker, A group of Late Helladic vessels from Kephallenia in Neuchâtel (1981).
Hellebora van der Meijden, Great Greek terracotta arulae of the archaic period (1981)
Felix Blocher, The Bronze Head of Nineveh (1979)
Liselotte Ganzmann-Meyer, "Temple Boys" (1979)
Hélène Klemm-Haefeli, The architectural context of the Parthenon frieze (1979)
Rosmarie Mösch-Klingele, The emergence of the three-quarter profile around 500 B.C. (1979)
Julia Asher-Greve, Investigations on the Iconography and Religious-Scientific Positions of the Sumerian Goddess Ninhursag in Pre-Akkadian Times (1973)
Anne-Käthi Wildberger, The funerary stele of Apolexis (1973)
Annemarie Kaufmann-Heinimann, The Mercury Statuettes from the Area of Colonia Augusta Raurica (1968)