Archaeological research in Shayzar / Larissa (Syria)

The modern town of Shayzar in central Syria, located 20 km northwest of Hama, was the site of the Hellenistic refoundation of Larissa. The site also houses an ancient Near Eastern tell as well as an important settlement of Islamic times.
Research at Shayzar has been conducted by the German Archaeological Institute since 2007 - in cooperation with the University of Basel since 2008. The aim of the project is first to record the inventory of monuments in the lower city and to present an initial sketch of the city's development as it can be traced on the basis of archaeological features. These are important prerequisites for the investigation of specific questions, such as the question of the connection between the Persian predecessor settlement and the new Greek foundation.
During a four-week survey campaign in 2007, geodetic survey work as well as a spolia and pottery survey were carried out. In addition, geophysical prospection work was carried out in 2007 and 2009. First results are published on the website of the German Archaeological Institute.
Responsible for the project:Matthias Grawehr Sommerer
M. Grawehr - J. Ramadan - M. Hijazi, Syrian-German Work in Shayzar/Larissa, ZOrA 2, 2009, 208-233.
M. Grawehr, Putting Larissa on the Map, in: K. Bartl (ed.), Archaeological Research in Middle Syria (in press).