Library Committee

The library committee is composed of two professors or assistants of the Department of Ancient Civilizations, the manager of the Department, a representative of the Basel Library Network of the University Library Basel and the subject librarian for ancient civilizations at the University Library Basel. The head librarian of the Library of Ancient Civilizations participates in an advisory capacity. A representative of Swiss Archaeology may also participate in an advisory capacity. When necessary, the University Library directorate and the manager of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences can be consulted.

Members of the Library Committee

Silvia Hauser, group coordinator of the Libraries of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Theology (head and chair)
Prof. Dr. Peter-Andrew Schwarz, Department of Ancient Civilizations, head of the Vindonissa-Professorship for Provinzial Roman Archaeology
Dr. Anne-Sophie Meyer, Department of Ancient Civilizations, Latin Philology
lic. phil. Frank Faessler, manager of the Department of Ancient Civilizations
lic. phil. Christoph Schneider, subject librarian for ancient civilizations at the University Library Basel

Member with advisory vote

Daniel Keller, head librarian of the Library of Ancient Civilizations

The following may be called upon in an advisory capacity

Hanna Marti, Librarian Swiss Archaeology
Representative of the University Library Basel directorate
Manager of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences