LIMC (Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae).
The work consists of eight volumes of text and plates (8400 pages of text and 32000 black and white photos on 5800 art plates), two volumes of indices (1026 pages) and the Supplementum 2009, published between 1981 and 2009 by Artemis Verlag (Zurich, Munich, Düsseldorf):
Volume I
Volume II
Volume III
Volume IV
Volume V
Volume VI
Volume VII Volume VIII Indices Supplementum
Aara - Aphlad (1981)
Aphrodisias - Athena (1984)
Atherion - Eros / Cupid, Cupid (1986)
Eros (in Etruria) - Heracles (1988) Heracles - Kenchrias (1990)
Kentauroi et Kentaurides - Oiax (1992)
Oidipous - Theseus (1994)
Thespiades - Zodiacus et Supplementum (1997)
(1999) (2009)
ThesCRA (Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum).
The ThesCRA consists of eight volumes and an index, published from 2004 to 2014 by the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, as well as a more general index:
Volume I (2004) - Volume VIII (2012)
Index of Museums, Collections, and Places (Volumes I-V) (2006) General Index (2014).
- Kahil, L. / Augé, C. (eds.), Mythologie gréco-romaine, mythologies périphériques. Etudes d'iconographie (Colloques internationaux du CNRS no 593, 1981).
Kahil, L. / Augé, C. / Linant de Bellefonds, P. (eds.), Iconographie classique et identités régionales, Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Supplément 14 (1986).
Zayadine, F. (ed.), Petra and the Caravan Cities (1990)Kahil, L. / Linant de Bellefonds, P. (eds.), Religion, mythologie, iconographie, Actes du colloque international, Rome 1989, Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome, Antiquité 103 (1991) 7-306.
Linant de Bellefonds, P. (ed.), Rites et cultes dans le monde antique, Cahiers de la Villa "Kérylos," no. 12 (2002).
Lambrinoudakis, V., et al. (eds.), Religion. Doctrine and Practice, Acts of the Colloquium, Basel, October 22, 2004, Archaiognosia, Supplement Volume 8 (2009).
- Guggisberg, M. (ed.), Boundaries in Ritual and Cult in Antiquity, International Colloquium, Basel, November 5-6, 2009 (2013).
Festschrift in honor of its first Secretary General, Prof. Lilly Kahil†:
Linant de Bellefonds, P. (ed.), Agathos daimôn. Mythes et cultes. Etudes d'iconographie en l'honneur de Lilly Kahil, Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Supplément 38 (2000).