Anna Flückiger
The Castrum Rauracense and its "suburbium" from the late 4th to the 6th century AD (working title).
TheCastrum Rauracense was built around 290/300 AD in the north of the Roman colony town Augusta Raurica on the banks of the Rhine. The dissertation undertakes the archaeological evaluation of a number of excavations inside and outside the fortificationin today's Kaiseraugst (Kt. AG). Special attention is given to the period from the late 4th to the 6th century AD. Recent observations suggest a more intensive occupation here than was previously assumed. Meanwhile, the existence of a fort suburb outside the walls of the castrum ("suburbium") is also assumed.
The aim of the work is on the one hand the detailed investigation of the settlement-historical processes, on the other hand new information about the chronology of the find material, in particular the pottery, is to be expected. In addition, the evaluation will form a modern basis of comparison for future evaluations of the teaching and research excavation of the Vindonissa Professorship "Auf der Wacht" at Kaiseraugst, which will run until 2014. Further questions will be devoted, for example, to the possible statements of features and finds on population structure and continuity, military presence, the position of the site in the (supra-)regional network of relations, and the relationship between castrum and the presumed "suburbium".
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