Swiss Egyptological Doctoral Course

The Swiss Egyptological Doctoral Course aims to link the only two Swiss universities offering Egyptology as a full course of study - Basel and Geneva - in the training of doctoral students. The doctoral students are introduced to current research topics and network with each other and with internationally renowned representatives of the field within the framework of workshops and conferences.
One or two meetings are held annually, which are adapted to the scientific needs of the doctoral students, but to which Master's students and employees of the mid-level faculty (assistants, project researchers) are also invited.
It is an inter-university training module that can be attended in addition or as an alternative to existing programs (e.g. the doctoral program of the Basel Department of Ancient Civilizations). The offer is an important tool for the structured supervision of doctoral students.
Past and planned events:
- September 14-17, 2021 Hieroglyphic Writing and its Derivatives, Basel
Program - July 5-7, 2019. 51st Standing Egyptology Conference "Egyptology and Methodology. Potential and Priorities," Basel.
Program - November 30/December 1, 2018. ""Capital" vs "Province"; "Center(s)" vs "Periphery(ies)". Ancient
Egypt to the Test of Modern Concepts, Geneva.
Program - October 20-21, 2017. Valley of the Kings: 200 years of discoveries, research, and preservation. Basel.
Program - December 2-3, 2016,Because I'm Hâpy. The river and the flood in Ancient Egypt. Neuchâtel.
Program - November 27/28, 2015. ancient Egyptian networks. Delémont
Program - May 9, 2015. royal families in the New Kingdom. Basel
Program - December 5-6, 2014. 3000 years of written expression: registers of language and writing in Ancient Egypt. Geneva
Program - April 3-4, 2014. current research in Ancient Egyptian religion: osiris - amun - mut. Basel
Program - November 15-16, 2013. ancient Egyptian iconography - Iconographie de l'Egypte ancienne: divine images - images of the divine. Basel
Program - May 4, 2013. how to reuse a tomb? Secondary Burials in Thebes. Basel
Program - November 29-30, 2012. ancient Egyptian geography - La géographie de l'Égypte ancienne. Fribourg