Licentiate theses
2010 Wüthrich, Nathalie: To Whom Does Egypt Belong? On the treatment of pharaonic cultural goods.
2010 Reymond, Clémentine: Disjunction in Egyptian.
2010 Dupont, Sarina: God's wives of the 25th and 26th dynasties.
2009 Hess, Ornella: Weapons as funerary objects. An investigation on the evaluation of weapons as grave goods from thirteen tombs of the upper class of the Middle Kingdom and their proposed interpretation by women as well as by men.
2009 Rutz, Stephanie: Aspects of Dwelling. The cities of the northeastern Fajum in comparison.
2009 Hufft, Barbara: The Cushite Pylon of Medinet Habu - from a simple decorative element to a testimony of the 25th Dynasty.
2008 Kolster, Anika: The ship as a religious and social symbol in Ancient Egypt and the Viking Age - a comparative archaeological study.
2008 Werlen, Luise: A New Kingdom trench ensemble from Aswan.
2008 Wernli, Cosima: Diets of the Egyptian Population. Archaeobiological sources of the first half of the second millennium BC.
2007 Arpagaus, Daniel: A Commentary on the "Hieroglyphics" of Horapollo. The Egyptologically explicable signs.
2007 Sartori, Nicolas: Les étiquettes de jarres à vin de la tombe KV 17.
2007 Zillhardt, Ruth: Kinderbestattungen und die soziale Stellung des Kindes im Alten Ägypten - Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Ostfriedhofs in Deir el-Medine.
2006 Scharf, Daniela: The ceiling decoration program of Theban royal tombs.
2004 Lanter, Marlene: The Libyan Character of the 21st Dynasty.
2004 Malnasi, Cindy: Recent small finds from the tomb of Sethos I in the Valley of the Kings (Thebes).
2004 Ronsdorf, Miriam: Functions of Myth in the Coffin Texts Using the Example of the God Seth.
2001 Stoll, Mike: The Mummy: An Image of Egypt between Media Culture and Education.
2000 Dorn, Andreas: The Finds from the Older Hq3-jb Sanctuary at Elephantine.
2000 Nickel, Diana: Studies on therioanthropomorphic deity sculpture until the end of the 18th Dynasty.
1999 Haas, Fabienne A.: The deity amulets of the collection of the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose California, U.S.A.
1996 Schibler, Boris: Untersuchungen zu den Bau von Buto und Hierakonpolis, in: Andreas Brodbeck (ed.), Ein ägyptisches Glasperlenspiel, Berlin 1998, 187-197.
1996 Heyne, Alice K.: Coffins of the 21st Dynasty in Swiss Museums.
1995 Hofmeier, Thomas: Necessary Cult.
1991 Hollender, Gabriele: Amenophis I and Ahmes Nefertari: Studies on the development of their posthumous cult on the basis of the private tombs of the Theban necropolis.
1991 Winterhalter, Silvia: The rooms for the cult of the dead king in the mortuary temples of the New Kingdom at Thebes.
1988 Grothe-Paulin, Elina: The Egyptian sarcophagus in Helsinki, in: Studia Orientalia 64, 1988, 7-75.
1988 Wiese, André B.: On the image of the king on seal amulets (OBO 96), Freiburg Switzerland/Göttingen 1990.
1987 Roulin, Gilles: Les tombes royales de Tanis: Analyse de la decoration.
1987 Lüscher, Barbara: Studies on Egyptian canopic boxes (HÄB 31), Hildesheim 1990.
1984 Jenni, Hanna: The decoration program of the sarcophagus Nektanebos'II. (ÄH 12), Genève 1986.
1980 Winkler, Claudia: Recording and examination of Egyptian amulets from the collection of Fouad S. Matouk.
1979 Lapp, Günther: Egyptian coffins and their decoration from the 6th to the 13th Dynasty.
1976 Schlögl, Hermann A.: The Sun God on the Flower. An Egyptian Cosmogony of the New Kingdom (AH 5), Genève 1977.