Project management
Prof. Dr. Susanne Bickel,
Project director, University of Basel
Lic. phil. Elina Paulin-Grothe
Field director, University of Basel
Abdu Daramally
Rais, Luxor
Dr. phil. Faried Adrom
Research Fellow, University of Basel
Tanja Alzheimer, MA
Geodetic, Stockholm
Emanuele Casini, MA
Research Associate, University of Basel
Claudia Gamma, MA
Research Associate, University of Basel
Charlotte Hunkeler, MA
Research Associate, University of Basel
Matjaz Kacicnik
Photographer, Cairo
Dr. phil. Hans-Hubertus Münch
Research Fellow, University of Basel
Erico Peintner, Kons./Rest (FH)
Conservator, Cairo
Partners / Cooperations
Dr. David Aston
Egyptologist & Ceramic expert, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Dr. Nesrin El-Hadidi
Archaeobotanist, Cairo University
Dr. Nakita Frater
Anthropologist, University of Zurich
Dr. Rim Hamdy
Archaeobotanist, Cairo University
Prof. Dr. Salima Ikram
Anthropologist, American University, Cairo
Prof. Dr. Somaia Ismail
Molecular geneticist, National Research Centre Giza
Dr. Christiane Jacquat
Archaeobotanist, University of Zurich
Dr. Rabab Khairat
Molecular geneticist, National Research Centre Giza
Dr. Sabrina Meyer
Anthropologist, University of Zurich
Dr. Anita Quiles
Archaeometry, IFAO (Institut français d’archéologie orientale), Cairo
Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Frank Rühli
Anthropologist, University of Zurich
Dr. med. dent. Roger Seiler
Anthropologist, University of Zurich
Agnieszka Wos Jucker, Kons./Rest
Textile conservator, Abegg Stiftung, Riggisberg
Research cooperations
Within the framework of the yearly excavation campaigns, the University of Basel’s core team works together with numerous experts in various related fields (Egyptology, archaeology, geodesy, medicine / palaeoanatomy, anthropology, wood and textile conservation and ceramics). The University of Basel Kings’ Valley Project also serves as a training programme for students of Egyptology at the University of Basel.
The University of Basel Kings’ Valley Project works in close cooperation with the following international institutions:
Without the support of our colleagues from the Egyptian Ministry of State for Antiquities Affairs, the success of the University of Basel in Luxor would not have been possible. We would like to thank our colleagues for their many years of trusting cooperation.

Funding of the University of Basel Kings’ Valley Project has been provided by the Gertrud Mayer Foundation and by private sponsors since 2009. Without their continuous support, the progress achieved and the successes attained would not have been possible.
Beginning in the spring of 2015 and for the duration of 3 years, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) will finance a complete processing and evaluation of the finds in KV 40.
As of 2015 our project also enjoys the support of the Alumni of the University of Basel.