Department of Classical Philology
(Departments of Greek, Latin, Historical-Comparative Linguistics)
Salvete commilitones et χαίρετε συμφιλολογοῦντες καὶ συμφιλολογοῦσαι
The Department of Classical Philology welcomes all interested students! Our goal is to network students of ancient languages and to be at your disposal for questions and concerns regarding your studies. Students of our departments have the opportunity to be elected to the board of the department at the plenary meeting, which takes place at least once a year.
In HS 2023, there will again be a reading group (fortnightly). This event is also designed to bring students of our subjects together and to provide an opportunity to exchange ideas with other students about their studies.
The subject group has a treasury financed by your SKUBA contributions and organizes other irregular events and excursions in addition to the plenary meeting. The board informs about planned events via e-mail. In addition, there is a WhatsApp group (interested parties should please contact us) and an Instagram account.
If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding the department or the study program, please contact our board:
Frederic Gugger (Consulate/Presidency) Marlene Thurm (Proconsulate/Vice-Presidency) Malte Schaffnit (Bursar/Treasury)
Responsible for Social Media is Linda Wohlmuth.

The reading group is held in HS 2023 every other Friday between 4:00 and 5:00 pm in meeting room 010.1.
All interested persons are welcome!