Bildungszentrum 21/Hotel Odelya, Missionsstrasse 21, 4055 Basel
Dr. Matthias Müller (Fachbereich Ägyptologie) & Niccolò Savaresi, MA (Fachbereich Klassische Archäologie)
Borders? Borders! Separation Lines, Joining Spaces

The 2023 Graduate Conference of the Basel Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizations is focused on the concept of “borders”. Basel itself offers a great example of frontier environment, where boundaries are in place to keep people separated, but at the same time enable groups and individuals to interact in unique ways over time and space. The proposal comes in continuity with last year’s topic -Human identity in its manifold forms- as well as with some of the past editions of the DBAW Conference, such as Migrations, Mobility, Colonialism and Postcolonialism. The wide reach of this issue fits well with the interdisciplinary nature of the event, calling for contributions from Archaeology, History, Literary Studies, stretching even further to Architecture, Geography, Cultural Anthropology and Sociology, still maintaining a close link to contemporary reality and events. The different inputs coming from all these fields have enriched the terminology and theoretical background in scientific research around the idea of “border”, in a material and immaterial dimension (e.g. “Frontier History”, “Middle Ground”, …), offering the chance to explore past and current uptakes on the matter with a great variety of case-studies drawn from the Past and the Present, both in the lectures of the Conference and in the potential preliminary Workshop.
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