Sarah Siegenthaler
Assistant / PhD candidate
Sarah Siegenthaler
Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Altertumswissenschaften
Professur Guggisberg

Assistant / PhD candidate

Petersgraben 51
4051 Basel

Social History of the Ancient Greek and Roman World, Poverty, Marginalised Groups, Urbanism, Intersectionality, Mapping




Doctorate in Classical Archaeology | University of Basel
Dissertation project: “Life and Death at the Margins of Society. Investigating Manifestations of Poverty within Roman Urban Spaces.”

Doc.CH Research Grant, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), 2023–2027
Supervision: PD Dr. Matthias Grawehr (Basel) and Dr. Miko Flohr (Leiden)

Member of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S)
Member of the Basel Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizations (DBAW)


Master's Degree  Classical Archaeology (Major) and Ancient History (Minor)
Master's thesis: “A Beggars' Banquet. Lives and Movements of the Marginalised Poor in the Ancient Roman City” (2021/2022), under the supervision of PD Dr. Matthias Grawehr and Prof. Dr. Sabine Huebner – with a research grant of the Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft Basel (FAG)

20152020Bachelor's Degree | University of Basel
Ancient Civilizations (Specialization: Classical Archaeology) and Art History


Professional Background


Student Assistant | University of Basel, SNF-Project “The Roman Egypt Laboratory: Climate Change, Societal Transformations, and the Transition to Late Antiquity” (2021–25) – PI: Prof. Dr. Sabine Huebner, Institute of Ancient History, Department of Ancient Civilizations

  • Establishing a database on mummy labels from Roman Egypt


Student Assistant | University of Basel, Research fund project “Nomismation: Measuring Monetary Integration in the Late Roman Empire” (2019–20) – PI: Dr. Irene Soto Marín, Institute of Ancient History, Department of Ancient Civilizations

  • Establishing a database of late antique coin hoards in Roman Egypt (3.–5. c. CE)


Tutor | University of Basel, Proseminar “Architecture”, Department of Art History


Approved Research Projects


Dissertation Project: “Life and Death at the Margins of Society. Investigating Manifestations of Poverty within Roman Urban Spaces.” with a Doc.CH research grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), 2023–2027

Active Memberships in Scientific Societies


European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)

2020–presentSchweizer Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klassische Archäologie (SAKA-ASAC)


Organisation of Conferences


“Exploring Digital Tools and Platforms for Individual Research of History and Antiquity” (09.03.2023), Digital Humanities in the Nordic & Baltic Countries (DHNB) Conference, “Sustainability – Environment, Community, Data” (Online: Oslo/Bergen/Stavanger, 08.–10.03.2023). Co-Organised with Victoria G. D. Landau


Prizes, Awards, Fellowships


Nominated for the Teaching Excellency Awards 2023 of the University of Basel within the category “Service to Teaching”


PhD Scholarship, Doc.CH, SNSF, for the PhD project “Live and Death at the Margins of Society. Investigating Manifestations of Poverty in Roman Urban Spaces”


PhD Starting Scholarship, Department of Ancient Civilizations, University of Basel


Research grant, Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft Basel (FAG) for the Master's thesis “A Beggars' Banquet. Lives and Movements of the Marginalised Poor in the Ancient Roman City” (2021/2022)




“Profiling Street-Beggars. Intersecting Discriminations Against the Poor in Ancient Roman Cities”, Conference: “Poverty and Vulnerability in Classical Antiquity. Gendered and Life-Cycle Approaches” (Manchester 27.–28.04.2023), Manchester Centre for Youth Studies/History Research Centre, Manchester Metropolitan University


"Begging in the Streets of Pompeii. New Approaches to Social Stratigraphy and Spatial Contexts in the Roman Cityscape”, Round-Table Conference for junior researchers “Neue Forschungen in den Vesuvstädten (Basel 27.–28.05.2022)”, eikones - Centre for Theory and History of the Image, University of Basel


“A Beggars' Banquet. Lives and Movements of the Marginalised Poor in the Ancient Roman City”, Presentation of the Master's thesis in the Colloquium “Zur neueren Forschung in der Alten Geschichte” (HS 2021), Institute of Ancient History, University of Basel


“The Effects of Social Class in Archaeological Research”, European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Annual Meeting, “Widening Horizons” (Kiel, 6.–11.09.2021). Session: “On Class, Elitism, and Poverty: Archaeology and Social Class”