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Kolloquium: «Zur neueren Forschung in der Alten Geschichte» (FS 2022)

Programm Kolloquium FS2022

Schweizerische und internationale Nachwuchswissenschaftler, renommierte Kollegen, und Basler MA-Studierende und Doktorierende stellen ihre neuesten Forschungen vor.

Dienstags, 18:15–20:00 UTC+2

01.03.2022 Steven Sidebotham (University of Delaware)
“Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route: Brief Overview of Excavations 1994-2022”

15.03.2022 Stefania Alfarano (Basel)
“Urban Biographies: Antinoopolis and Heracleopolis in Roman and Late Antique Egypt. Archaeological Recontextualization”
Rosshofgasse (Schnitz), Seminarraum 1

22.03.2022 Paul Heilporn (Strassburg)
“P.Mich. inv. 1027. An Alexandrian quarrel at a time of crisis”
Rosshofgasse (Schnitz), Seminarraum 1

29.03.2022 Hans Beck (Münster)
“Making Landscapes, Building Communities. A Journey Along the Kopais Corridor in Boiotia”
Rosshofgasse (Schnitz), Seminarraum 1

05.04.2022 Haggai Olshanetsky (Basel)
“The Jewish Military Service in the Armies of Rome as a Window into Ancient Judaism and the Roman Empire”
Rosshofgasse (Schnitz), Seminarraum 1

19.04.2022 Joe Morgan (Yale)
“The Snares of Thoth: a Social History of Provincial Administration in Ptolemaic Egypt”

03.05.2022 Iljya Mikic (Belgrad)
“Anthropological research at Viminacium from prehistory to the modern period”
Rosshofgasse (Schnitz), Seminarraum 1

10.05.2022 Diane Coomans (Berkeley)
“Small but busy: the metallon of Tiberiane in the mid-second century”

17.05.2022 Peter Sarris (Cambridge, UK)
“How Should We Assess the Impact of the Justinianic Plague?"
Rosshofgasse (Schnitz), Seminarraum 1

24.05.2022 Lucas Gericke (Basel)
“The Early Christian Community of Heracleopolis Magna in Middle Egypt (3./4. c. C.E.)”
Rosshofgasse (Schnitz), Seminarraum 1


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