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Sabine R. Huebner selected as 2024-2025 Harvard Radcliffe Institute Fellow

Press release of the Harvard Radcliffe Institute

Cambridge, Mass. (May 10, 2024) – Harvard Radcliffe Institute is pleased to announce the selection of Sabine R. Huebner as a fellow for the 2024-2025 academic year. 

A yearlong Radcliffe fellowship provides the rare opportunity to intensely pursue ambitious projects in the unique environment of the Institute. Each fellowship class is drawn from some of the most thoughtful and exciting contemporary scholars in the humanities, sciences, social sciences, and arts – along with writers, journalists, playwrights, and other distinguished professionals. For this year’s historic 25th anniversary class, Radcliffe accepted just 3.3 percent of applicants.

Huebner, Professor of Ancient History at the University of Basel (Switzerland), has been named the William Bentick-Smith Fellow. During her year at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute she will explore the dynamic interplay of climatic shifts, political upheavals, and socioeconomic transformations in the Roman province of Egypt. Drawing on a rich tapestry of sources – including literary works, papyri, numismatics, epigraphy, and a variety of paleoenvironmental proxies – she seeks to unveil new insights into the complexities of this transitional period from the High Roman Empire to Late Antiquity in one of the Roman Empire’s critical regions.

“As a former fellow and dean of the Institute, I know firsthand the impact that a Radcliffe fellowship can have. In the current moment, I have never felt more certain that Radcliffe’s approach – its embrace of interdisciplinary research and discourse across difference – is crucial to generating transformative art, scholarship, and writing” said Tomiko Brown-Nagin, dean of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Daniel P.S. Paul Professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard Law School, and professor of history in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. “This talented class of fellows promises to do great things that will deeply impact how we live in today’s world.”

This year’s Radcliffe fellows will be part of a unique interdisciplinary and creative community that will step away from routines to tackle projects that they have long wished to move forward. Throughout the academic year, fellows convene regularly to share their work in progress with the community and public. With access to Harvard’s unparalleled resources, Radcliffe fellows develop new tools and methods, challenge artistic and scholarly conventions, and illuminate the past, present, and future. Alumni are quick to say it was the best year of their career.

The full list of the 2024-2025 cadre of fellows is online here.

About Harvard Radcliffe Institute

The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University – also known as Harvard Radcliffe Institute – is one of the world’s leading centers for interdisciplinary exploration. We bring students, scholars, artists, and practitioners together to pursue curiosity-driven research, expand human understanding, and grapple with questions that demand insight from across disciplines. For more information, visit  www.radcliffe.harvard.edu.