The official Swiss National Research Foundation Project Homepage
Checklist of Arabic Documents provided by the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Conceived to improve transparency and accessibility to editions of Arabic documentary texts. It both provides extensive bibliographical indications and sets out a standardized system of abbreviations for monographs of Arabic document editions.
Arabic Papyrology Bibliography of Editions and Research provided by the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Adjuvant tool to the Arabic Papyrology Database. It provides abbreviations of the documents as used in the APD as well as indications on its progressive implementation.
Arabic Papyrology Database provided by the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Electronic compilation and searching tool for Arabic documents on various materials (primarily on papyrus) up to the 16th century. It comprises both full editions and metadata.
Arabic Papyrology School – an interactive introduction to the reading of Arabic documents provided by the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Thesaurus d’ Épigraphie Islamique provided by the Foundation Max van Berchem
The most comprehensive electronic collection for Arabic, Turkish and Persian epigraphy providing text-editions as well as biographical and geographical information.
Conversion of Islamic and Christian dates by the Institute of Oriental Studies at the University of Zurich
Database of Coptic documentary texts
Electronic compilation and searching tool for Greek documents on various materials (primarily on papyrus). The Coptic documents are being added
An interdisciplinary portal of papyrological and epigraphical resources, formerly Egypt and the Nile valley (800 BC-AD 800), now expanding to the Ancient World in general. Six interrelated databases (texts, collections, archives, people, places, authors)
Checklist of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets.
It both provides extensive bibliographical indications and sets out a standardized system of abbreviations for any edition of documents in the four ancient languages.