
P.Bas. II= Papyri of the University of Basel. Edited together by Sabine R. Huebner, W. Graham Claytor,  Isabelle Marthot, and Matthias Müller with contributions from Serena Causo, Dario Internullo and Naim Vanthieghem. Beihefte - Archiv für Papyrusforschung. Berlin: DeGruyter (zum Druck angenommen).

Claytor, W. G., “Hypatios, Kulayb, and the Requisition of Milk: a Letter from the Senouthios Archive,” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 203 (2017), 223-226 (with L. Berkes).

Claytor, W. G., “Labor Contracts from the Harthotes Archive,” Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists53 (2016), 79-119 (with N. Litinas and E. Nabney).

Claytor, W. G., “Four Poll-Tax Receipts on Papyrus from the Early Roman Fayum,” Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists53 (2016), 121-144 (with R. Warga and Z. Smith).

Claytor, W. G., “Donkey Sales from the Grapheion of Kerkesoucha,” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 194 (2015), 201-208.

Claytor, W. G., “The Archive of the Theadelphian Herdsman Heron, Son of Hermas,” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 194 (2015), 193-200 (with Andrzej Mirończuk).

Huebner, S.R., Papyri and the Social World of the New Testament.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018 (im Druck).

Huebner, S.R., „Der klassische Archäologe Hermann Thiersch und der Papyrushandel in Ägypten im Jahr 1899/1900,“ Berichte für Wissenschaftsgeschichte(in Begutachtung).

Huebner, S.R., "Frauen und Schriftlichkeit im römischen Ägypten," in: A. Kolb (ed.) Literacy in ancient everyday life – Schriftlichkeit im antiken Alltag.Berlin: DeGruyter 2017 (im Druck).

Huebner, S.R., “P.Bas.16: An Early Christian Family in Third Century Egypt,” H. Flower, A. Luijendijk (eds.), Subjects of Empire: Political and Cultural Exchange in Imperial Rome. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2018 (zum Druck angenommen).

Huebner, S.R., "Χρηστιανὸςἔστ(ιν): Self-identification and Formal Categorization ofthe First Christians in Egypt," in: M. Brand, and E. Scheerlinck (eds.) Late Antique Religion in Practice: Papyri and the Dynamics of Religious Identification. Cambridge 2019 (zum Druck angenommen).

Huebner, S.R., “The Basel Papyrus Collection and its History,” in: W. G. Claytor, S. R. Huebner, I. Marthot, and M. Müller (eds.) P.Bas. II = Papyri of the University of Basel. Beihefte - Archiv für Papyrusforschung.Berlin: DeGruyter (zum Druck angenommen).

Huebner, S.R., “Sotas and Dioscorus before the Roman Governor. Is P.Mil.Vogl. 6.287 the first authentic court record of a Christian trial,” Journal of Late Antiquity(under review).

Huebner, S. R. (2016) “Egypt as part of the Mediterranean? Domestic space and household structures in Roman Egypt,” in Huebner, S. R. and Nathan, G. (eds.) Mediterranean Families in Antiquity: Households, Extended Families, and Domestic Space, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 154-173. 

Huebner, S. R. and Nathan, G. (eds.) Mediterranean Families in Antiquity: Households, Extended Families, and Domestic Space. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Huebner, S. R. (2017) “A Mediterranean Family? A Comparative Approach to the Ancient World,” in Huebner, S. R. and Nathan, G. (eds.) Mediterranean Families in Antiquity: Households, Extended Families, and Domestic Space. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 3-26. 

Marthot-Santaniello, I. “Noms de personne ou noms de lieu ? La délicate question des ‘toponymes discriminants’ à la lumière des papyrus d’Aphroditô (VIe s. -VIIIe s.)” in Alberto Nodar and Sofía Torallas (eds.), Proceedings of the 28th Intl. Congress of Papyrology, Barcelona, 1 - 6 August 2016(in press) Forthcoming open access publication on the UPF (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Digital Repository 

Marthot-Santaniello, I.  “Lettre d’une instance monastique à une autorité civile (Papas ?)” in A. Boud’hors, A. Delattre et alii, “Un nouveau départ pour les archives de Papas, Papyrus coptes et grecs de la jarre d’Edfou”, BIFAO117, 2017, IFAO, Cairo (in press).

Marthot-Santaniello, “Ruffini (G.R.), A Prosopography of Byzantine Aphrodito [Review]”, The Classical Review, CUP, Cambridge, 2018 (in press, online edition). 

Marthot-Santaniello, I. “Monasteries as landowners: Evidence from the Egyptian village of Aphrodito (6th -8th centuries CE)”  in Louise Blanke and Jennifer Cromwell (eds.), Monastic Economies in Egypt and Palestine, 5th – 10th centuries, Proceedings of the Intl. Conference held in Oxford, 16-17 March 2016, CUP, Cambridge (accepted).

Marthot-Santaniello, I. “An Important Family in 6th Century Hermoupolis, new lights from the Basel Papyrus Collection” in E. Garosi, S. R. Huebner, I. Marthot-Santaniello, M. Müller, S. Schmidt, M. Stern, Living the End of Antiquity, Individual Histories from Byzantine to Islamic Egypt, Proceedings of the international conference held in Basel, May 18 - 20, 2017, de Gruyter, Berlin (accepted).

Marthot-Santaniello, I. “Fin de letter” ; “Les impôts de la dame Patrikia (in collaboration with R.-L. Chang and J. Gascou)” in A. Boud’hors, A. Delattre et alii, “Papyrus coptes et grecs de la jarre d’Edfou (suite)”, BIFAO118, 2018, IFAO, Cairo (accepted).

Marthot, I. “L’irrigation des terres du village d’Aphroditê à l’époque byzantine” in T. Derda, A. Lajtar, J. Urbanik (eds.), Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Papyrology (Warsaw 29 July – 3 August 2013), JJP Supplements 28, 2016, p. 1871-1885. Oxbow Books, Oxford, ISBN 978-83-938425-8-2

Marthot, I., Vanderheyden, L. “Désigner et nommer en grec ou en copte ? Bilinguisme toponymique de la campagne d’Aphroditê du VIe au VIIIe s.” in Cl. Somaglino et S. Dhenin (eds.), Décrire, imaginer, construire l’espace. Toponymie égyptienne de l’Antiquité au Moyen-Âge, Recherches d’archéologie, de philologie et d’histoire (RAPH) 39, IFAO, 2016, p. 217-231.

Marthot, I. “La toponymie d’un village de Moyenne-Égypte et de sa campagne aux VIe et VIIIe s. apr. J. C., le cas d’Aphroditê dans l’Antaiopolite d’après les papyrus grecs” in Å. Engsheden et Y. Gourdon (eds.), Études d’onomastique égyptienne. Méthodologie et nouvelles approches, Recherches d’archéologie, de philologie et d’histoire (RAPH)38, IFAO, 2016, p. 161-175.

Müller, M. & Adrom, F. “The Tetragrammaton in Egyptian Sources — Facts and Fictions”, in: J. van Oorschot & M. Witte (Hg.), The Origins of Yahwism, Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttesta¬mentliche Wissenschaft 484, Berlin & New York 2017, 93–113.

Müller, M. “Greek connectors in Coptic. A contrastive overview I: Coordinating connectors”, in: E. Grossman, P. Dils, T. S. Richter & W. Schenkel (eds.), Greek Influence on Egyptian-Coptic: Contact-Induced Change in an Ancient African Language(DDGLC Working Papers 1), Lingua Aegyptia Studia Monographica 17, Hamburg 2017, 265–315.

Müller, M. “Coptic Texts from a Private Collection in Sweden”, in: Chronique d’Égypte XCI/182 (2016), 421–426.

Müller, M. “Zwei Apophthegmata über Makarios den Ägypter,” Journal of Coptic Studies18 (2016), 85–90.

Müller, M. “Vom Lexikon in die Grammatik. Grammatikalisierungsphänomene im Ägyptisch-Koptischen”, in: P. Dils & L. Popko (Hg), Zwischen Philologie & Lexikographie des Ägyptisch-Koptischen. Akten der Leipziger Abschlusstagung des Akademienprojekts „Altägyptisches Wörterbuch“, Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig – Philologisch-historische Klasse 84/3, Stuttgart & Leipzig 2016, 56–81.

Müller, M. “Among the Priest of Elephantine Island. Elephantine Island Seen from Egyptian Sources”, Welt des Orients46 (2016), 213–243.

Müller, M. “‘Now this, now the other’. Coordination of temporal alternative clauses in Coptic and beyond”, in: N. Bosson, A. Boud’hors & S. Aufrère (eds.), Labor Omnia Uicit Improbus. Miscellanea in Honorem Ariel Shisha-Halevi, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, Leuven, Paris & Bristol 2016, 263–304.

Müller, M. “Re-editing “The Correspondence of Peter III Mongus, Patriarch of Alexandria, and Acacius. Patriarch of Constantinople” (Codex Vatican Copt. 62, ff. 62r–89r). A preliminary report”, in: P. Buzi, A. Camplani & F. Contardi (eds.), Coptic Society, Literature and Religion from Late Antiquity to Modern Times. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September 17th–22nd, 2012, and Plenary Reports of the Ninth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Cairo, September 15th–19th, 2008, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 247, Leuven, Paris & Bristol 2016, 969–978.

Müller, M. & Uljas, S. “‚He almost heard’. A Case Study of Diachronic Reanalysis in Coptic Syntax”, in: Ph. Collombert, D. Lefevre, S. Polis & J. Winand (Hg.), Aere Perennius. Mélanges égyptologiques en l’honneur de Pascal Vernus, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 242, Leuven, Paris & Bristol 2016, 465–491.

Müller, M. “Relative Clauses in Later Egyptian,”Lingua Aegyptia23 (2015), 107–173.

Müller, M. “Empirie vs. Kategorienbildung. Fuzzy boundaries und fuzzy categories in der ägyptisch-koptischen Syntax”, in: H. Amstutz, A. Dorn, M. Müller, M. Ronsdorf & S. Uljas (Hgg.), Fuzzy Boundaries – Festschrift für Antonio Loprieno I, Hamburg 2015, 89–118.

Müller, M. Ein koptisches Ostrakon der Universitätssammlung in Bonn,” Chronique d’ÉgypteXC/179 (2015), 191–194.

Müller, M. “Ägyptische literarische Texte”, in: B. Janowski & D. Schwemer (Hg.), Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments, n.f. 8: Weisheitstexte, Mythen & Epen, Gütersloh 2015, 303–304.