06 Mai 2021

online via Zoom

Fachbereich Alte Geschichte, Sabine Huebner

Veranstaltungen, Kolloquium / Seminar, Workshop / SHi

Seeing Like a State: Fiscal Regimes in the Ancient World

Workshop von Andrew Monson (Basel/ NYU) im Rahmen des Kolloquiums «Zur neueren Forschung in der Alten Geschichte» im FS 2021

Tribute, rents, taxes, and credit, these are the means by which the state acquires the financial means to pursue its goals as an organization, autonomous from society. The historians Richard Bonney and Mark Ormrod constructed a typology of tribute state, domain state, tax state, and fiscal state and identified historical cases from early medieval to modern Europe. More recently, other historians have sought to extend and modify this framework with a global and deep historical perspective, including the ancient Mediterranean and Near East. In this workshop, we will identify what tribute, rents, taxes, and credit are, what corollaries they have for political organization in ancient societies, and what causes them to change. We will focus on case studies from Late-Period Egypt, classical Greece, the Hellenistic world, and Republican Rome.

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