Mär 2025
- 19:45
Schnitz (Rosshofgasse) Seminarraum S 01
Fachbereich Ägyptologie / Basler Forum für Ägyptologie
Öffentliche Veranstaltung
New discoveries of the French-Swiss mission at Saqqara: the tomb of Weni-the-elder in the necropolis of Pepy I
After excavating the King’s and the Queens’ funerary complexes of the necropolis of King Pepy I, the Mission archéologique franco-suisse de Saqqara has recently redirected its archaeological work on the remains of the mastabas of the élite buried here. The presentation will focus on the new evidence after the discovery and excavation of the mastaba of famous Weni, during campaigns 2022 and 2024.
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