03 Mai 2019
14:15  - 17:00

Raum 306, Departement Altertumswissenschaften

Fachbereich Latinistik

Veranstaltungen, Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Gastvorlesung / Vortrag / HHM

Poetik der Neuen Welt / The poetics of the New World in early modern epic

Dr. Maya Feile Tomes (Cambridge)

The early modern period was a time of transformative change on a global scale as formerly unconnected parts of the world came into contact for the first time (especially in the wake of Columbus's epoch-defining crossing of the Atlantic in 1492), causing horizons – both geographical and epistemological – to expand radically. This posed a number of interpretative challenges. One of the tools by which Europeans sought to make sense of what they encountered was through and in relation to the classical tradition. But how was America accommodated within a cultural tradition first developed by the ancient Greco-Roman inhabitants of the Mediterranean Basin, who did not have the first idea of America's existence? And what happened once the classical tradition was transmitted to America itself – imported in the form of books, imparted in the classrooms – where it took root and swiftly took on a thriving life of its own? Focusing on literary responses and drawing on the tradition of early modern poetry in particular, this presentation will seek to consider some of these questions.

Dr. Maya Feile Tomes ist Junior Research Fellow in Classics sowie Modern and Medieval Languages an Christ’s College, Cambridge.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung: Dr. C. Scheidegger Lämmle, cedric.scheidegger@unibas.ch

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