
Claytor, W. G. “Autographs of a Roman Soldiers: The Life and Letters of Gaius Iulius Apollinarius,” Hunter College (New York, NY), May 2017.

Claytor, W. G., “New Perspectives on Child Labor in the Antiquity,” Hunter College (New York, NY), February 2017.

Claytor, W. G., “The Municipalization of Writing in Roman Egypt,” Literacy in Ancient Everyday Life – Schriftlichkeit im antiken Alltag, organized by Anne Kolb. Historisches   Seminar, University of Zurich, November 2016.

Claytor, W. G., “War and Peace in the Papyri,” Representations of Conflict in the Ancient and Modern World, organized by Rachel Bruzzone and Donald Sells. Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Freiburg, July 2016.

Claytor, W. G., “The Rise and Fall of the Grapheion in Greco-Roman Egypt,” University of Würzburg, May 2016.

Claytor, W. G., “Empire of Information: Notaries, Archives, and Ideology in Roman Egypt,” University of Cincinnati, February 2016.

Claytor, W. G., “Children and Family Strategies in Roman Egypt: the Case of Harthotes of Theadelphia,” The Oslo Seminar in Papyrology, University of Oslo, October 2015.

Claytor, W. G., “The Papyrus Collection of the University of Basel,” North American Papyrology Seminar, Ann Arbor, MI, May 2015.

Claytor, W. G., “The Tyche of Karanis: Religion and Community in Roman Egypt,” Althistorisches Forschungskolloquium, University of Basel, April 2015.

Huebner, S.R. “The Christianization of Egypt: New Documentary Evidence from the Arsinoite,” Center for the Study of Late Antiquity, Princeton University 11 May 2018

Huebner, S.R   „Χρηστιανὸςἔστ(ιν): Self-identification and Formal Categorization of the First Christians in Egypt,“ Conference ‘Late Antique Religion in Practice: Papyri and the Dynamics of Religious Identification’, Universität Leiden 9-11 November 2017

Huebner, S.R  „P.Bas. 16 - The First Christians in Egypt - the Christianization of the Fayum before 250 CE," Conference in Honor of Prof. Brent Shaw, “Subjects of Empire: Cultural and Political Exchange in the Roman World,” Princeton University 13 May 2017

Huebner, S.R. „Women/men dicho- tomies in the ordinary population of Graeco- Roman Egypt,“ Intl. Tagung „Schriftlichkeit im antiken Alltag- Literacy in ancient everyday life“, Universität Zürich, 10.-12. November 2016

Huebner, S.R. “Die Geschichte und Edition der Basler Papyrussammlung”, CBR Journée d’Etudes 3. June 2016

Huebner, S.R. Histoire d’une collection – la collection papyrologique de l’Université de Bâle/ The History of Papyrology in Basel“, Université de Neuchâtel10 May 2016 

Huebner, S.R. "Von frühen Christen, wilhelminischen Gelehrten und Nanotechnologen. Neue Herangehensweisen an Basler Zeugnisse aus der ägyptischen Wüste," Basel Ringvorlesung "Schriftstücke als Forschungsgegenstand - Gegenwart und Zukunft der Editionen," FEE – Forum für Edition und Erschliessung, 5. October 2015

Huebner, S.R. „Liegt der älteste christliche Privatbrief in Basel?“, Basel, Spätantike Treffen, 3 October 2015

Marthot-Santaniello, I. “Coptic texts in the Basel Papyrus Project,” Intl. Congress of Coptoc Papyrology, Claremont, CA, 25-30 July 2016.

Marthot-Santaniello, I. “Quand les sables d’Egypte racontent l’Histoire. Introduction à la papyrologie.”, Cycle de conférences d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de l’Antiquité, Université de Fribourg, 16 October 2017

Marthot-Santaniello, I. “Présentation du projet pluridisciplinaire ‘Egypt at the transition from the Byzantine to early Arab world, 6th to 8th centuries,” Journée d’étude Collegium Beatus Rhenanus, “Aktuelle Forschungen in den Altertumswissenschaften », Basel, 3 June 2016

Marthot-Santaniello, I.  “Aphrodito, the village of a thousand papyri: new perspectives on the two biggest archives from Byzantine and early Islamic periods” Vorträge im Rahmen des Kolloquiums: Neues aus der Alten Geschichte, Basel, 29 March 2016 

Marthot-Santaniello, I. “City status and countryside organization, the case of Aphrodito (Egypt) between Byzantine and Islamic rule”, Spätantike Kolloquium, Basel, 19 March 2016

Marthot-Santaniello, I. « Administrer la campagne, de Byzance au Califat : le cas du village d’Aphroditê (Moyenne-Égypte) du VIe au VIIIe s. », Journée-Séminaire « Domination, gouvernement et administration (2) », département d’Histoire, Université de Bourgogne. 25 February 2016.

Marthot-Santaniello, I. The Basel Papyrus Project: How should we edit a Papyrus Collection in the 21st century?,  Intl. Workshop "Altertumswissenschaften in a Digital Age: Egyptology, Papyrology and Beyond", Leipzig, 4-6 November 2015 (Poster presentation)

Müller, M. „Scribal-office or Scriptorium? Texts and Contexts from the South Asasif,“ International Workshops New Perspectives on Religion, Education, and Culture at Christian Western Thebes, Oslo 12–13 January 2017.

Müller, M. „Von Dörfern & Klöstern, Mönchen & Büchern: Thebens Westseite in spätantiker/<wbr style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: small;">frühmittelalterlicher Zeit (spätes VI. bis VIII. Jahrhundert),“ at the Seminar für Ägyptologie & Koptologie der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen 16 January 2016.

Müller, M. „Das Dorf der Unbotmässigen. Der Bischof von Armant vs. Das Dorf Toimamen im frühen 7. Jahrhundert,“ im Rahmen des Kolloquiums Papyrologica Christiana des Basler Spätantike Kolloquiums Basel 29 November 2016. 

Müller, M. „Village or Monastery? Preliminary Results of the Work on the Coptic Texts Found by the South Asasif Conservation Project,” International Conference Thebes in the First Millennium BC, Luxor 23–29 September 2016.

Müller, M. „…where no man has gone before. Coptic Locative Adverbial Clauses,“ International Conference Crossroads: Whence and Whither?, Berlin 17–20 February 2016