Research events of the Egyptology
Upcoming research colloquia, conferences and lectures
Past research colloquia, conferences and lectures
- 29.11.-01.12.2019: 10th Basler+Berlin Arbeitskreis Junge Aegyptologie (BAJA 10) "Cultural Dynamics: Impulse - Progression - Transformation" Program.
- 05-07.07.2019: 51st Permanent Egyptologist Conference "Egyptology and Methodology: Potential and Priorities" ProgramNewsletter
- 11/30 - 12/01/2018: Swiss Egyptological Doctoral Course 2018, Geneva, ""Capitel" vs "Province"; "Center(s)" vs Periphery(ies). Ancient Egypt to the test of modern concepts" Program.
- 20/21 Oct. 2017: Valley of the Kings: 200 years of discoveries, research, and preservation. Basel.program
- Workshop, 17.11.2017: The Egyptological Knowledge of the Jesuit Kircher Program.
- Swiss Egyptological Doctoral Course 2016, Neuchâtel, "Because I'm Hâpy. Le fleuve et la crue en Egypte ancienne/The river and the flood in ancient Egypt" Program.
- 10.12.2016: Saqqara - Luxor - Aswan. Researches of Swiss institutions in Egypt
- 27-28.11.2015: Swiss Egyptological Doctoral Course 2015, Delémont, Ancient Egyptian NetworksProgram.
- 03.-06.08.2015: People on the move: Framework, Means, and Impact of Mobility across the East Mediterranean Region in the 8th to 6th c. BCEProgram
- 23-24.05.2015: New Kingdom Cryptography (EIKONES NSF Image Critique)Program
- 09.05.2015: Royal Families in the New KingdomProgram
- 24.04.2015: Egyptological Research Seminar 2015 "New Kingdom scribal practice, religious and administrativeProgram
- 05.-06.12.2014: Swiss Egyptological Course 2014, Geneva, 3000 years of written expressionProgram
- 09.-14.06.2014:9th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), Basel.program
- 14-17.05.2014: Ancient Egyptian Biographies. Forms, Contexts, FunctionsProgram
- 15-16.11.2013: Swiss Egyptological Doctoral Course 2013: Ancient Egyptian Iconography - Iconographie de l'Egypte ancienne: divine images - images of the divineProgram.
- 21.10.2013: 1st part research seminar HS13: Prof. Dr. Whitney Davis, Ancient Egyptian Depiction: Canons and Beyond Program
- 05/04/2013: International Workshop: How to Reuse a Tomb? Secondary Burials in ThebesProgram
- 30.08.-01.09.2012: L'organisation des transports en Egypte ancienneProgram
- 02.05.2012: Third Egyptological Research and Doctoral Colloquium FS12Program
- 30.03.2012: Second Egyptological Research and Doctoral Colloquium FS12Program
- 24.03.2012: First Egyptological Research and Doctoral Colloquium FS12Program
- 09.12.2011: Third Egyptological Research and Doctoral Colloquium HS11
- 24.11.2011: Second Egyptological Research and Doctoral Colloquium HS11
- 30.09.2011: First Egyptological Research and Doctoral Colloquium HS11
- 09-11.12.2012: Ancient Egyptian Funerary Literature, Tackling the Complexity of TextsProgram
- 19-22.03.2009: Crossroads IV: The Conference on Egyptian Linguistics
- 16-17.05.2008: Research Colloquium: Dealing with Caesurae: Strategies of Referring to the Past in the 18th DynastyProgram
- 01.09.2007: Conference On the Modern History of the Valley of the KingsProgram
- 08.-09.04.2005: Fourth Upper Rhine Meeting of EgyptologistsProgram
- 02-03.07.2004: Conference: Living and Writing in Deir el-Medine. Socio-historical Embodiments of Deir el-Medine Texts Program
- 23-24.04.2004: Conference Methodological Approaches to the Analysis of Dead Languages. Semantics and Pragmatics of Verbal ClausesProgram
- 11-13.07.2003: Standing Conference of Egyptologists (SÄK)Invitation
- 09-11-07.2003: Colloquium Egyptian and Non-Semitic Languages and CulturesProgram
- 07.06.2002: First Basel Prize for Young Egyptologists
- 26.10.2000: Fifty years of Egyptology in Basel:Flyer,Program
- 08.-12.09.1993: Symposium for the 60th birthday of Erik Hornung
- 25.-27.06.1982: Permanent Egyptology Conference (SÄK):invitation,program