Word discussions

Objective: Wortdiskussionen is a project with the objective of browsing the relevant Egyptological journals for relevant word discussions, inscribed objects and monuments, and unusual or extensively discussed personal names. Financial support for the project (begun in 1992) has been gratefully provided since 2002 by the Egyptological Seminar, now the Department of Egyptology at the University of Basel, and by Günther Lapp.

Execution: Dr. Barbara Lüscher

Programming and concept: Dr. Günther Lapp (for the since then strongly modified interleaving program see G. Lapp, in: SAK 19, 1992, p. 213ff.).

List of already checked literature:

  • AEO 1-3 (Gardiner, Alan H. Ancient Egyptian Onomastica, Oxford 1947)
  • ASAE 1993-2020 (Annales du Service des antiquités de l’Egypte, Le Caire)
  • BACE 1990-2013 (Bulletin of the Australian Centre of Egyptology)
  • BES 1979-2015 (Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar, New York)
  • BIFAO 1901-2020 (Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Le Caire)
  • BSEG 1979-2021 (Bulletin de la Société d'Égyptologie de Genève)
  • BSFE 1949-2023 (Bulletin de la Société Française d'Égyptologie, Paris)
  • CCdÉ 2000-2007 (Cahiers Caribéens d'Égyptologie, Martinique)
  • CdÉ 1925-2023 (Chronique d’Égypte, Bruxelles)
  • DE 1985-2006 (Discussions in Egyptology, Oxford)
  • GM 1972-2022 (Göttinger Miszellen, Göttingen)
  • GM BH 2007-2014 (Göttinger Miszellen - Beihefte, Göttingen)
  • JARCE 1962-2021 (Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, Massachussets)
  • JEA 1970-2023 (Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, London)
  • JNES 1942-2023 (Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Chicago)
  • LEM (Caminos, Ricardo A. Late-Egyptian Miscellanies, London 1954)
  • LingAeg 1991-2023 (Lingua Aegyptia, Göttingen)
  • MDAIK 1930-2022 (Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo. Berlin, Wiesbaden Mainz)
  • RdÉ 1933-2022 (Revue d'Égyptologie, Paris)
  • SAK 1974-2022 (Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, Hamburg)
  • Serapis 1969-1985 (Serapis, Chicago)
  • VA 1985-1992 (with Suppl. 1994) (Varia Aegyptiaca, San Antonio/Texas)
  • ZÄS 1925-2023 (Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, Berlin)

Updates: The datasets provided here are updated once a year. Since these are unchecked entries due to time and cost constraints, feedback of errors is of course welcome at any time.

Notes to the user: The entries are divided into three groups, each of which appears as a separate PDF file that can be downloaded:

  1. Words (sorted according to the Egyptian alphabet)
  2. Texts (text passages, inscriptions on monuments or museum objects)
  3. Personal names (only rare or extensively discussed private and royal names are catalogised)


  • The sorting of the Egyptian terms generally follows the Egyptian dictionary, but with the following restriction: for EDP-technical reasons no feminine endings could be separated, thus sꜣ.t "daughter" does not appear after sꜣ "son", but only further back at sꜣt etc.
  • In the case of extensive terms, such as mr "Vorsteher", a second term is sorted as a further subdivision, which is highlighted by a small arrow.
  • Compound or extended terms are distinguished by preceding or following dots ... in the sorting.
  • No distinction is made between s and z.
  • Many of the word reviews are accompanied by a short commentary, usually preserving the language and transcription of the respective authors.

Copyright: The records published here are available to all for private use. Any other use, publication of parts, integration into own websites or distribution for other purposes is prohibited. Hints in link lists are of course welcome. Corresponding inquiries (as well as reports of misquotes) are to be addressed to b.luescher-at-sunrise.ch.