Workshop: Albanian language history in its Balkan linguistic context (30.01.2024)

On Tuesday 30.01.2024, the project “The Albanian Language in Antiquity", funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, will organize the workshop “Albanian language history in its Balkan linguistic contact” at the University of Basel. The participants will discuss Balkan linguistics with a focus on historical linguistic phenomena relevant to the history of the Albanian language. The talks will concern language contact between Albanian and Slavic, Greek and Romanian in the scope of the project. All interested in the Albanian language and Balkan linguistics are invited and welcome to attend.
The talks and discussions will be in English. No prior registration is required.
Location: Rosshofgasse 2 (Schnitz, Seminarraum S01), 4051 Basel.
10:00 | Introduction by PD Dr. Michiel de Vaan | |
Block 1: Albanian and Greek | ||
10:15 | Prof. Dr. Doris Kyriazis | Greek and Albanian, two languages in contact (A review of relevant etymological research, new data, problems, perspectives) |
11:15 | Gerard Spaans MA | The etymological history of the Greek loanword liqen-i |
12:00 | Lunch break | |
Block 2: Albanian and Balkan Romance | ||
13:30 | Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Filipponio | Late Latin and Balkan-Romance phonology and its reflexes in Latin loanwords in (Proto-)Albanian |
14:30 | Alexander Robert Herren MA | On the importance of Aromanian and Megleno-Romanian for Albanology |
15:15 | Coffee break | |
Block 3: Albanian and Slavic | ||
15:45 | Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Tarpomanova | The hows and whens – as well as whys – of evidentiality in Bulgarian and Albanian |
16:45 | Closing remarks by the organizers |
For inquiries on the workshop, please get in touch with one of the organizers:
Gerard Spaans MA:
Alexander Robert Herren MA:
project presentation "The Albanian Language in Antiquity
On Monday 13 March 2023, Michiel de Vaan, Sergio Neri, Geert Jakob Spaans and Alexander Robert Herren presented the SNSF research project "The Albanian Language in Antiquity". Furthermore Olivier Winistörfer (UZH) has presented his Phd project The Balkan Sprachbund - A different approach".