Licentiate Theses

Martin Allemann: The Late Antique brick kilns at Kaiseraugst-Liebrütti (AG) (HS11)*.

Jakob Bärlocher: Early Imperial Period graves from Vindonissa (FS11)**.

Angela Bucher: Evaluation of the 1992 and 94 excavation campaigns at Sursee (LU): The development of a Roman vicus in the foothills of the Alps in Lucerne (HS11)**

Pirmin Koch: The Roman site of Gals Zihlbrücke (BE) - Evaluation of finds and features from the 2002 excavation (FS08)*

Simone Mayer: The Roman cremation burial ground Kaiseraugst-Widhag (FS11)*

Tessa Nerini: The medieval deserted site of Meienberg near Sins (AG). Finds and features from the destruction layers (FS11)**.

Paul Pachlatko: Archaeological and historical sources on the Alpine campaign of Augustus (HS10)*

Ines Winet: The outbuilding C of the Roman estate of Wetzikon - Kempten (ZH) - evaluation of the excavations 2005/2006 (FS08)*, published in: Daniel Käch, Ines Winet, Wetzikon-Kempten. A Roman resting place in the Zurich Oberland. Zürcher Archäologie Heft 32 (Zurich, Egg 2015).