Late Roman Military Installations on the High Rhine
In cooperation with the Cantonal Archaeology of Aargau and the Cantonal Archaeology of Baselland, respectively, the Vindonissa Professorship has been working since autumn 2012 on the "mise en valeur" of the late Roman watchtowers and fortifications on the High Rhine.
Already completed is the work on the Late Roman watchtower Muttenz-Au Hard (BL)[PDF (444 KB)]; the new information board was erected in the 1st quarter of 2014: Information board [PDF (957 KB)].
Ongoing work includes archival research to clean up and complete the dossiers on the individual enclosures, as well as drafting short texts for information panels for the late Roman enclosures (e.g. Rümikon-Sandgraben, Leuggern-im Sand, Schwaderloch-oberes Bürgli, Schwaderloch-unteres Bürgli, Sulz-Rheinsulz, Wallbach-Stelli, Rheinfelden-Pferrichgraben).
In 2014, geophysical prospections will also be carried out in the area of the watchtowers in Fisibach-Bleiche and Full-Reuenthal-Jüppe, as the exact locations of the installations investigated in the earlier 20th century are no longer known. In June and July 2014, the Cantonal Archaeology of Aargau and the Vindonissa Professorship will also carry out construction investigations and smaller soundings in the area of the Late Roman watchtowers at Koblenz-Kleiner Laufen", Möhlin-Untere Wehren and Möhlin-Fahrgraben as well as in the Late Roman and early medieval site Möhlin-Riburg-Bürkli in advance of the planned restoration and conservation work.
Participating in the project are lic. phil. I Hannes Flück and the following students are involved (as of Dec. 2013): Andreas Callierotti, Lukas Freitag, Miriam Hauser, Marta Imbach, Corinne Juon, Tina Lander, Sarah Lo Russo, Erik Martin, Daniel Reber, Johann Savary, and Stephanie Strobl.
W. Drack, Die spätrömische Grenzwehr am Hochrhein. Archäologische Führer der Schweiz 13 (2nd revised edition Basel 1993); F. Mayer, Sichere Plätze - Sichtbare Objekte. Archäologie Schweiz 29, 2006, 61-71.