Vindonissa Spring Fresh

- Around 20 guided tours and 7 workshops through the exhibition "Vindonissa quellfrisch" for school classes and groups by students.
- Public guided tour through the special exhibition "Vindonissa quellfrisch" (November 13, 2011).
- Guided tour through the special exhibition "Vindonissa quellfrisch" for employees of the Department of Classical Studies, the Archaeological Soil Research Basel-Stadt and the Cantonal Archaeology Baselland (November 11, 2011).
- "Customer Day" of the Industriellen Werke Brugg (IBB): Guided tour through the special exhibition "Vindonissa quellfrisch" (October 23, 2011).
- Public guided tour through the special exhibition "Vindonissa quellfrisch" (October 2, 2011).
Brochure about the exhibition[PDF (3.1 MB)].
Press review of the special exhibition "Vindonissa quellfrisch"[PDF (24.3 MB)]