Historical-Comparative Linguistics
Young science, distant past
Here you will find information on the study of Historical-Comparative Linguistics (with lecture notes), on its local profile and networking, on current research, on the history of the subject in Basel, as well as many texts to read.
Since the subject 'Comparative Indo-European Linguistics' was abolished in 1983, Indo-European Studies can no longer be studied as a subject in Basel. The Indo-Germanic Library and its lecturer currently serve - among others - Classical Philology as support in linguistic matters with a program as rich as possible.
Rosshof (Petersgraben 51), Tagungsraum 306
Fachbereich Latinistik
Die versunkene Landschaft der lateinischen Gnomik
Hörsaal 114, Kollegienhaus
Fachbereich Latinistik
Somnia in der fiktionalen lateinischen Erzählprosa der Frühen Neuzeit – Ein Panorama
Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 212
Fachbereich Historisch-vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft