Non-lending collection Homer Commentary (room 307)
The temporary non-lending collection is made up of holdings from the University Library Basel and the subject area Greek Philology and is run by the Basel Homer Commentary of the subject area Greek Philology. It contains secondary literature on Homer and the early Greek epics (location "Büro 307 Präsenzbibliothek Homer-Kommentar" in the library catalogue swisscovery Basel).
Usage information
This non-lending collection is located on the 3rd floor of the Department of Ancient Civilizations in room 307. We kindly ask you to behave considerately in the non-lending collection just like in the Library of Ancient Civilizations. The books can only be used on site; they cannot be borrowed. A large table is available for use in room 307, and there is a photocopier in front of the room for copies or scans. Please deposit the books on the table in the room after use. Copies and scans from the titles in the non-lending collection can also be ordered in swisscovery Basel.
The books are placed on the left long wall, sorted alphabetically from left to right by author (A-Z). Editions, commentaries, scholias, grammars and dictionaries on Homer are on the left short wall.
The non-lending collection is accessible at all times for staff members with a key. For external guests or students, please contact the person listed below or the Homer Commentary staff members in room 301.
If you have any questions, please contact the contact person listed below.

Department of Ancient Civilizations
Non-lending collection Homer Commentary
Petersgraben 51
Room 307
4051 Basel
Phone: +41 79 702 94 96
Opening hours
Wednesday 9.15–11.30, 13.30–18.30 Uhr,
or by appointment by mail martha.krieter@clutterunibas.ch.
The non-lending collection is closed on closing days of the Library of Ancient Civilizations.