Basel Homer Commentary
SNF research project
A project of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF).
Project management: Prof. Dr. Anton Bierl.
Founded by Prof. Dr. Joachim Latacz (1996) and edited by Anton Bierl and Joachim Latacz in the series "Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Commentare (SWC)", Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin/Boston (previously K.G. Saur Verlag, München/Leipzig; former B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart/Leipzig).
Since the publication of the last scientific commentary on Homer's Iliad published in German (Ameis-Hentze-Cauer, 1868-1913), Homeric scholarship has made immense progress in all traditional areas (language, realia, structure, etc.). In addition, fundamentally familiar fields such as research on narrative technique have been placed on a systematic basis. Finally, new fields such as Mycenaeology (Linear B), oral poetry, performance, audience response and new studies on Troy revolutionized the unterstanding of the Iliad.
The new 'Basler Kommentar' (BK) sees its task in documenting the research progress that has now been achieved as completely as possible and in further advancing research through its own new suggestions.
The BK thus reflects the current state of Homer scholarship in a comprehensive breadth. Special emphasis is placed on the inclusion of the widely-despersed international research work published in the main research languages. In this respect, the commentary can also be used as a general bibliography for international Homeric research.
The commentary was conceived in such a way that it can address a range of audience from high school students to college professors to Homeric specialists. It appeals to Classicists in the broad sense as well as to students and scholars of the humanities in general.
Financial support is made available by the SNF, the Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft Basel, the Max Geldner-Stiftung Basel, the Frey-Clavel-Stiftung Basel and the Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kultur.
Until today a volume Prolegomena and the commentaries on the books 1–4, 6–7, 14, 16, 18–19, 21 and 24 of the Iliad have been published. In the current project period (1.1.2021-31.12.2024), book 11 is being worked on collectively by Dr Marina Coray and Dr Martha Krieter.
The work on the books 9 and 22 is in progress.
Project management
Freelancers and consultants
On the basis of a cooperation agreement, the following are also collaborating:
- Prof. Dr. em. Jürgen von Ungern-Sternberg (Ancient History, Basel)
- Prof. Dr. Martin Guggisberg (Classical Archaeology, Basel; formerly: Prof. Dr. Rolf A. Stucky)
- Prof. Dr. em. Fritz Graf (Latin Philology, Ohio State University)
- Prof. Dr. Rudolf Wachter (Historical-Comparative Linguistics, Basel)
Former employees
- Dr. phil. Magdalene Stoevesandt (completed: Prolegomena, 1st, 2nd, and 6th cantos; general editor, continuing advisor).
- Dr. phil. Claude Brügger (completed: 2nd, 16th and 24th canto)
- Prof. Dr. Katharina Wesselmann (completed: 7th canto)
- Prof. Dr. Edzard Visser (completed: 2nd and 4th canto)
- Prof. Dr. Robert Plath (in progress: 22nd voice)
Prof. Dr. René Nünlist was involved in the preparation of Prolegomena and Volume I, and Prof. Dr. Edzard Visser in Volume II and XIII.
Foreign specialists
- Prof. Dr. David F. Elmer (Department of the Classics, Harvard University)
- Prof.Dr. Irene J.F. de Jong (Universiteit van Amsterdam, focus on narratology)
- Prof. Dr. Françoise Létoublon (Centre d'Études Homériques, University of Grenoble)
- Dr. Rudolf Führer and S.R. van der Mije (Lexicon of Early Greek Epic, Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, University of Hamburg)
- Prof. Dr. René Nünlist (Classical Philology (Greek Philology), University of Cologne)
- †Prof. Dr. Martin L. West (All Souls College, University of Oxford
Former specialists from abroad
- † Dr. Peter Jablonka (Project Troia, University of Tübingen)
- Prof. Dr. Michael Meier-Brügger, Dr. William A. Beck (Lexicon of Early Greek Epic, Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, University of Hamburg)
volumes already published
Homers Ilias. Gesamtkommentar (Basler Kommentar / BK), ed. by Anton Bierl and Joachim Latacz:
- Prolegomena. contents: ‘Zur Homer-Kommentierung. Von den Anfängen bis zu diesem Kommentar’ (Latacz) • ‘Geschichte des Textes’ (West) • ‘Formelhaftigkeit und Mündlichkeit’ (Latacz) • ‘Grammatik der homerischen Sprache’ (Wachter) • ‘Homerische Metrik’ (Nünlist) • ‘Zum Figurenbestand der Ilias’: ‘Götter’ (Graf), ‘Menschen’ (Stoevesandt) • ‘Zur Struktur der Ilias’ (Latacz) • ‘Homerische Poetik in Stichworten’ (Nünlist / de Jong) • ‘Figuren-Index’ (Stoevesandt) • ‘Wort-Index Homerisch-Mykenisch (Wachter). 3rd, revised edition, de Gruyter: Berlin/New York 2009 (1st ed. 2000, 2nd ed. 2002). SWC. XII, 256 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-022153-4.
- vol. I: Erster Gesang (A). Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, by Martin L. West (text) and Joachim Latacz (translation). 3rd, revised edition, de Gruyter : Berlin/New York 2009 (1st ed. 2000, 2nd ed. 2002). SWC. XX, 39 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-022118-3.
- vol. I: Erster Gesang (A). Faszikel 2: Kommentar. By Joachim Latacz, René Nünlist and Magdalene Stoevesandt. With support of Claude Brügger, Rudolf Führer, Fritz Graf, Irene de Jong, Michael Meier-Brügger, Sebastiaan R. van der Mije, Rolf Stucky, Jürgen von Ungern-Sternberg, Rudolf Wachter and Martin L. West. 3rd, revised edition, de Gruyter : Berlin/New York 2009 (1st ed. 2000, 2nd ed. 2002). SWC. XVI, 213 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-020611-1.
- vol. II: Zweiter Gesang (B). Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, by Martin L. West (text) and Joachim Latacz (translation), K.G. Saur : München/Leipzig 2003. SWC. XVIII, 57 P.. ISBN 978-3-598-74305-4.
- vol. II: Zweiter Gesang (B). Faszikel 2: Kommentar, by Claude Brügger, Magdalene Stoevesandt and Edzard Visser under the direction of Joachim Latacz. 2nd, revised ed., de Gruyter : Berlin/New York 2010 (1st ed. 2003). SWC. XV, 346 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-022495-5.
- vol. III: Dritter Gesang (Γ). Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, by Martin L. West (text) and Joachim Latacz (translation), Walter de Gruyter : Berlin/New York 2009. SWC. XX, 21 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-020143-7.
- vol. III: Dritter Gesang (Γ): Faszikel 2: Kommentar, by Martha Krieter-Spiro, Walter de Gruyter : Berlin/New York 2009. SWC. XIII, 192 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-020144-4.
- vol. IV: Sechster Gesang (Z). Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, by Martin L. West (text) and Joachim Latacz (translation), Walter de Gruyter: Berlin/New York 2008. SWC. XVI, 36 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-020146-8.
- vol. IV: Sechster Gesang (Z): Faszikel 2: Kommentar, by Magdalene Stoevesandt, Walter de Gruyter : Berlin/New York 2008. SWC. XV, 201 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-020145-1.
- vol. VI: Neunzehnter Gesang (T). Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, by Martin L. West (text) and Joachim Latacz (translation), Walter de Gruyter : Berlin/New York 2009. SWC. XVI, 29 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-020615-9.
- vol. VI: Neunzehnter Gesang (T): Faszikel 2: Kommentar, by Marina Coray, Walter de Gruyter : Berlin/New York 2009. SWC. XV, 209 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-020616-6.
- vol. VIII: Vierundzwanzigster Gesang (Ω). Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, by Martin L. West (text) and Joachim Latacz (translation), Walter de Gruyter : Berlin/New York 2009. SWC. XVI, 51 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-020619-7.
- vol. VIII: Vierundzwanzigster Gesang (Ω): Faszikel 2: Kommentar, by Claude Brügger, Walter de Gruyter : Berlin/New York 2009. SWC. XIII, 322 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-020620-3.
- vol. X: Vierzehnter Gesang (Ξ): Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, by Martin L. West (text) and Joachim Latacz (translation), Walter de Gruyter : Berlin/Boston 2015. SWC. XVI, 35 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-039966-0.
- vol. X: Vierzehnter Gesang (Ξ): Faszikel 2: Kommentar, by Martha Krieter–Spiro, Walter de Gruyter : Berlin/Boston 2015. SWC. XIII, 299 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-039967-7.
- vol. XI: Achtzehnter Gesang (Σ). Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, by Martin L. West (text) and Joachim Latacz (translation), Walter de Gruyter : Berlin/Boston 2016. SWC. XVI, 39 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-039970-7.
- vol. XI: Achtzehnter Gesang (Σ). Faszikel 2: Kommentar, by Marina Coray, Walter de Gruyter : Berlin/Boston 2016. SWC. XIII, 313 P.. ISBN 978-3-11-039971-4.
- vol. IX: Sechzehnter Gesang (Π): Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, by Martin L. West (text) and Joachim Latacz (translation), Walter de Gruyter : Berlin/Boston 2016. SWC. ISBN 978-3-11-042647-2.
- vol. IX: Sechzehnter Gesang (Π): Faszikel 2: Kommentar, by Claude Brügger, Berlin/Boston : Walter de Gruyter 2016. SWC. ISBN 978-3-11-042646-5.
- vol. XIII: 4. Gesang (Δ): Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, by Martin L. West † (text) and Joachim Latacz (translation), Walter de Gruyter: Berlin/Boston 2017. SWC. ISBN 978-3-11-046639-3.
- vol. XIII: 4. Gesang (Δ): Faszikel 2: Kommentar, by Marina Coray, Martha Krieter-Spiro and Edzard Visser, Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2017. SWC. ISBN 978-3-11-046640-9.
- vol. XII: 7. Gesang (Η): Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, by Martin L. West † (text) and Joachim Latacz (translation), Walter de Gruyter: Berlin/Boston 2021. SWC. ISBN 978-3-11-040573-6.
- vol. XII: 7. Gesang (Η): Faszikel 2: Kommentar, by Katharina Wesselmann, Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2020. SWC. ISBN 978-3-11-040574-3.
- vol. XIV: 21. Gesang (Φ): Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, by Martin L. West † (text) and Anton Bierl (translation), Walter de Gruyter: Berlin/Boston 2021. SWC. ISBN 978-3-11-070332-0.
- vol. XIV: 21. Gesang (Φ): Faszikel 2: Kommentar, by Marina Coray and Martha Krieter-Spiro, Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2021. SWC. ISBN 978-3-11-070336-8.
volumes in preparation
Homers Ilias. Gesamtkommentar (Basler Kommentar / BK), ed. by Anton Bierl and Joachim Latacz:
- vol. XV: Elfter Gesang (Λ). Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, by Martin L. West † (text) and Anton Bierl (translation), Walter de Gruyter: Berlin/Boston 2025.
- vol. XV: Elfter Gesang (Λ): Faszikel 2: Kommentar, by Marina Coray and Martha Krieter-Spiro, Walter de Gruyter : Berlin/Boston 2025.
- vol. V: Neunter Gesang (I). Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, Walter de Gruyter: Berlin/Boston.
- vol. V: Neunter Gesang (I): Faszikel 2: Kommentar, Walter de Gruyter: Berlin/Boston.
- vol. VII: Zweiundzwanzigster Gesang (X). Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung, Walter de Gruyter: Berlin/Boston.
- vol. VII: Zweiundzwanzigster Gesang (X): Faszikel 2: Kommentar, Walter de Gruyter: Berlin/Boston.
Homer’s Iliad. The Basel Commentary (BKE)
In 2013, a contract was signed with the publisher Walter De Gruyter for the revised and updated translation of the Basel Homer Commentary Homers Ilias: Gesamtkommentar (BK) in English, bringing the standard work to worldwide attention.
The English version, Homer’s Iliad. The Basel Commentary (BKE), edited by Anton Bierl and Joachim Latacz, is supported by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, New York , the Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft (FAG), Basel and the L. & Th. La Roche-Stiftung, Basel.
Professor Stuart Douglas Olson, specialist in Greek philology at the University of Minnesota, is the General Editor of the English Edition. Under his direction, his team consisting of Dr Sara Strack and Dr Benjamin Mills translates the volumes updated by the Basel Homer Commentary team. On the Basel side, Dr Magdalene Stoevesandt is responsible as Managing Editor.
volumes already published
- Prolegomena, Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2015. Contents: ‘Introduction: Commenting on Homer. From the Beginnings to this Commentary’ (COM) (Latacz) • ‘History of the Text’ (HT) (West) • ‘Formularity and Orality’ (FOR) (Latacz) • ‘Grammar of Homeric Greek’ (G) (Wachter) • ‘Homeric Meter’ (M) (Nünlist) • ‘Cast of Characters of the Iliad: Gods’ (CG) (Graf), ‘Cast of Characters of the Iliad: Human Beings’ (CH) (Stoevesandt) • ‘The Structure of the Iliad’ (STR) (Latacz) • ‘Homeric Poetics in Keywords’ (P) (Nünlist / de Jong) • ‘New Trends in Homeric Scholarship’ (NTHS) (Bierl) • ‘Character Index’ (Stoevesandt) • ‘Homeric – Mycenaean Word Index’ (MYC) (Wachter).
- Book III (M. Krieter-Spiro), Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2015.
- Book VI (M. Stoevesandt), Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2015.
- Book XIX (M. Coray), Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2016.
- Book XXIV (C. Brügger), Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2017.
- Book XIV (M. Krieter-Spiro), Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2018.
- Book XVI (M. Brügger), Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2018.
- Book XVIII (M. Coray), Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2018.
- Book IV (M. Coray, M. Krieter-Spiro, Edzard Visser), Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2020.
- Book VII (K. Wesselmann), Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2023.
volumes in preparation
- Book XXI (M. Coray, M. Krieter-Spiro), Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2024/25
- Book II (C. Brügger, M. Stoevesandt, E. Visser), Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter
- Herbert Bannert, in: Wiener Studien 116, 2003, 277–281 (of Prolegomena and Band I).
- Johannes Haubold, in: BMCR 2001.09.01 (of Band I)
- Julian B. Lethbridge, in: BMCR 2005.08.16 (of Band II)
- Malcolm M. Willcock, in: CR 52, 2002, 229–231 (of Prolegomena and Band I)
- Malcolm M. Willcock, in: CR 55, 2005, 4f. (of Band II)
- Christoph Dieffenbacher, in: UniNova 98, November 2004 (S. 30f.)
- Michael Siebler, in: FAZ 28.04.2004
- Edzard Visser, in: Pegasus-Onlinezeitschrift 2/2008, 53–88 (§ B4)
- Evert van Emde Boas, in: BMCR 2016.08.22 (of Prolegomena)
- Colin Leach, in: Classics for All (of Prolegomena)
- Donald Lateiner, in: Classics for All (of Iliad 3)
- Colin Leach, in: Classics for All (of Iliad 6)
- Rachel H. Lesser, in: BMCR 2017.04.25 (of Iliad 19)
- Christopher Pelling, in: Classics for All (of Iliad 24)
- Michael Siebler, in: FAZ 14.12.2015
- Giuseppe Lentini, in: Maia 69/2, 2017, 410–412 (of englischen Prolegomena)
- Giuseppe Lentini, in: RFIC 138, 2010, 221-228 (of Bd. VIII)
- Ronald Blankenborg, in: BMCR 2017.11.47 (of Iliad 16)
- Peter Jones, in: Classics for All (of Iliad 16)
- Rui Carlos Fonseca, in: Euphrosyne 45, 2017, 581f. (of Iliad 19)
- Margalit Finkelberg, in: Gnomon 90, 2018, 361f. (of Bd. X and XI)
- Ruth Scodel, in: BMCR 2018.02.51 (of Iliad 24)
- Matthew Ward, in: CR 72, 2022, 1–3 (of Ilias 7)
- Matthew Ward, in: CR 73, 2023, 1f. (of Ilias 21)