Admission requirements

The prerequisite for admission to the Basel Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizations is a qualified dissertation project at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Basel, which is supervised by a faculty member of the Department of Ancient Civilizations as first or second supervisor.

Admission is possible at any time and is granted upon application (letter of motivation) and a short project outline (2-3 pages) for the consideration of the executive board, which reviews and evaluates the documents.

For further information, see the Regulations and Procedures of the Basel Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizations.


Study program

The study program of the Basel Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizations offers a wide variety of courses and combination options in relation to the spectrum of subjects. Event types encompass research colloquia, workshops, summer schools, junior scholar conferences, lecture series, research seminars, and more.

The doctoral program is designed for a minimum duration of 6 semesters, during which 18 credits must be earned. It consists of two compulsory modules and one elective module.

ModulesTarget credits
Disciplinary Course Offers9 - 12
Interdisciplinary Course Offers6 - 9
Transferable Skills0 - 3
Basel Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizationstotal 18


Module "Disciplinary Course Offers" (9 - 12 credits).

These courses are usually provided by each subject area and serve to deepen the doctoral students' specialized knowledge as well as to integrate them into current subject-specific research. They aim to provide excellent expert training for doctoral students.


Module "Interdisciplinary Course Offers" (6 - 9 credits).

These events are provided jointly by all subject areas of the Department of Ancient Civilizations. The courses offered in this module can be designed interdisciplinarily or within the narrower framework of specific disciplines. The courses aim to sensitize doctoral students to current questions in related research areas and to integrate their own research or subject area into broader theory-focused scholarly discourses in the domain of cultural studies of antiquity.


Module "Transferable Skills" (0 - 3 credits).

Credits may be awarded for the acquisition of transferable skills (e.g., writing workshops, Scientific English Writing).

Grants in the Doctoral Program

The Basel Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizations awards travel grants upon application, of a maximum amount of CHF 500 per year.

The following prerequisites apply:

  1. Funding is only available to doctoral students who hold full membership of the Basel Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizations.
  2. A grant will be approved if there are no other possibilities for funding.
  3. The travel must be directly related to the dissertation project.
  4. The application must be accompanied by the confirmation of the supervisor.
  5. The application can only be submitted after completion of the trip. Advance payments are excluded.
  6. A grant will only be awarded to doctoral students who have not yet completed the fifth year of their dissertation project.
  7. The application must demonstrate the connection between the dissertation project and the travel. Original receipts must be attached to the application.
  8. The doctoral student has no claims to funding.

The Basel Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizations awards grants for workshops upon application, of a maximum amount of CHF 1500.- per year. For doctoral students applying for funding jointly, the maximum request amount is CHF 3000.- per year.

  1. Only doctoral students who hold full membership of the Basel Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizations are eligible for funding.
  2. A grant will be approved if there are no other possibilities for funding.
  3. The workshop must be directly related to the dissertation project.
  4. The application must be accompanied by the confirmation of the supervisor.
  5. A grant will only be awarded to doctoral students who have not yet completed the fifth year of their dissertation project.
  6. The application must demonstrate the connection between the dissertation project and the workshop.
  7. No cumulative grant will be awarded.
  8. The proposal must outline the connection between the dissertation project and the workshop. The application must be accompanied by a budget estimate. In special cases, the money can be paid in advance.
  9. The doctoral student has no claims to funding.

Applications are to be sent directly to the coordinator of the Doctoral Program (Dr. H.-H. Münch;

One PhD scholarship (1 year) within the Department of Ancient Civilizations at the University of Basel

The PhD program of the Department of Ancient Civilizations at the University of Basel announces a one-year scholarship à CHF 30'000 (two tranches with evaluation) starting at the 01.04.2024.

Your tasks:

The grant is intended to support a young graduate during the starting phase of his/her PhD research project. It is expected that he/she will develop his/her research project within the first six months for applying to the Swiss National Science Foundation or other funding institutions at the end of that year.

Your profile:

The scholarship is addressed to students who held a 1st class MA‐degree either in Egyptology, Classical Archaeology, Ancient History, Greek Philology, Latin Philology, or European Archaeology. It is expected that the PhD student is highly motivated and will personally be involved in the PhD program of the Department of Ancient Civilizations at the University of Basel. Most welcomed are PhD projects that can be linked to the research fields of the Department of Ancient Civilizations at the University of Basel. Applicants who are about to complete their studies can apply, provided that they can submit an official graduation certificate no later than 07.02.2024.

Application / Contact:

Application deadline: 15.11.2023

The following documents should be sent by email to the coordinator of the Doctoral Program of Basel Ancient Studies Mr. Hans-Hubertus Muench (

  1. Letter of motivation
  2. CV
  3. MA-Diploma
  4. 1-2 sample of text (max. 20 pages each, including at least 1 academic qualification text, e.g. BA or MA Thesis)
  5. Sketch for the dissertation project (max. 3 pages)
  6. Letter of reference 

Applications can be submitted in German, in French, or in English. The enrolment at the University of Basel is mandatory. The first supervisor must be a member of the Department of Ancient Civilizations at the University of Basel. For further information, please contact the coordinator of the Doctoral Program of Basel Ancient Studies Dr. Hans-Hubertus Muench (

Doctoral students in the program


Rahel C. Ackermann
Archäologische und numismatische Untersuchungen zur Münzstätte im Schloss Haldenstein GR

Martin Allemann
Spätantike Befunde und Funde im Westteil des Basler Münsterhügels

Güleser Aydin
Kult der Aphrodite in Kleinasien

Sara Baldin
The Agrarian Economy of Roman Egypt

Marta Billo-Imbach
Funeraltopographie der Picener am Beispiel einer Gräbergruppe aus Matelica (Arbeitstitel)

Lukas Bohnenkämper
Das Expeditionswesen des Mittleren Reiches

Simon Bühler
Synergetic Spaces, Peripheral Images: The Politics of Late Roman and Early Christian Mosaics of the Eastern Levant

Laurence Cappa Dafflon
(Titel folgt)

Olivia Denk
Kulte und Heiligtümer auf der Chalkidike – Untersuchungen zur Sakraltopographie im Kontext historisch-politischer Ereignisse (1200 v. Chr. - 300 n. Chr.)

Lauren Dogaer
Mix and Match: Contextualising the socio-cultural factors of the Late Funerary Literature (working title)

Doaa Elalfy
Historically Marginalized Greco-Roman Physicians

Ho Wang Fong
Re-understanding the Second Document of Breathing – An Emic Approach (working title)

Amanda Gabriel
„Was, wenn nicht Ethnien?“ Eine netzwerkanalytische Perspektive auf die Vielfalt spätantiker und frühmittelalterlicher Bestattungen zwischen Bodensee, Hochrhein und Genfersee.

Claudia Gamma
Keramikateliers klassischer Zeit in Eretria: kultureller Treffpunkt (Arbeitstitel)

Pedro Garcia-Baro Huarte
Der Philosoph und seine Bücher: eine Neubewertung der Natur der Papyrusbibliothek von Herculaneum dank der materiellen Philologie

Tancrède de Ghellinck d’Elseghem Vaernewijck
L’iconographie du programme funéraire dans les tombes thébaines du Nouvel Empire égyptien. Évolution des pratiques funéraires et de leurs représentations.

Ilaria Gullo
Die Grabsitten des 6. Jh. v. Chr. in der Sibaritide anhand der Grabinventare der archaischen Nekropole von Francavilla Marittima (IT)

Miriam Hauser
Die Bronzezeitliche Siedlung von Riehen-Haselrain

Barbara Hufft
Die Herrscherikonographie der Kuschiten – Selbst-/Fremdwahrnehmung anhand ihrer Repräsentation im Monumentalrelief (Arbeitstitel)

Charlotte Hunkeler
Manufacture, Iconography, and Epigraphy of Inner Coffins as a Mirror of Continuity and Change of Funerary Practice During the Transitional Phase of the 22nd to the 25th Dynasty (First Millennium) in Thebes (Arbeitstitel)

Jacqueline M. Huwyler
Of Culture-Contact and Identities: The Introduction of Anat into Egypt, Sinai, and Nubia  (ca. 1985-1108 BCE) (working title)

Sophia Joray
Räumliche Organisation und kulturelle Praktiken in der mittelbronzezeitlichen Siedlung Gränichen-Lochgasse (AG). (Arbeitstitel)

Tarek Khalil Mohamed Khalil
Studying the Tombs of the Middle and the Lower Social Levels in the Western Field at Giza Necropolis

Sandra Kyewski-Ditz
,Wilde‘ Tiere in Rom – Konzepte nicht-heimischer Fauna in der römischen Antike (Arbeitstitel)

Cheyenne Peverelli
Palaepaphos (Cipro) in età classica. Analisi funzionale e socio-culturale del materiale ceramico di un quartiere abitativo

Enrico Regazzoni
Metallgeschirr der ersten Hälfte des 1. Jts. v. Chr. zwischen Westanatolien und dem Ägäisraum (Arbeitstitel)

Niccolò Savaresi
Rethinking Collapse: the fall of Sybaris (ca. 510 BC) and the transformation of Greek colonial space

Sarah Siegenthaler
Life and Death at the Margins of Society – Investigating Manifestations of Poverty within Roman Urban Spaces

Elsayed Mamdouh Soliman
A Re-Discovered Ramesside Tomb In Qurnet Marei: TT 382 (Usermontu) - An Archaeological and Epigraphic Study

Ulrich Stockinger
Andernach/Antunnacum: Eine Militär- und Zivilsiedlung am Rhein. Kaiserzeitliche und spätantike Funde und Befunde der Grabungen auf dem Gelände der Weissheimer Mälzerei 2008–2014

Cinzia Tuena
The Hecatomnid Dynasty – Gender and Power in the Persian-Greek border region

Simeon Tzonev
Die politische Repräsentation der Ptolemäer. Monarchische Legitimation und Herrschaftsrezeption in der multiethnischen und polyzentrischen Gesellschaft des hellenistischen Ägypten (Arbeitstitel)

Audric Wannaz
Eine Korpusstudie zum Inhalt und zur Struktur der familiären Privatbriefe der griechisch-römischen Zeit (Arbeitstitel)

Elisabeth Weber
Trauer und Trost in Basels neulateinischen Epicedien

Lucas Weisser-Gericke
The City of Heracleopolis magna in Roman Times. An Urban Biography

Simone Zurbriggen
Römische und griechische Identität im Spiegel der kaiserzeitlichen Keramik von Eretria



Vera Allen
If you hurt me, I erase you. Iconoclasm in Old Kingdom Élite Tombs

Geirr Kristian Homme Lunden
Variety in emic reinterpretations of marsh motifs in ancient Egyptian elite tombs

Stephan Unter
The Classification and Reconstruction of Fragmentary Documents with Machine Learning. A Case Study in Ancient Egyptian Papyri


Adrienne Cornut (2024)
Raumbezüge und Dreidimensionalität im 3. und 4. pompejanischen Stil (Arbeitstitel)

Elena Luise Hertel (2024)
Palimpsests among the Heterogeneous Papyri from Deir el-Medina: Scribal Practices and (Re)Use in a Comparative Perspective

Julia Kretschmer (2024)
Whose Voice? Exploring the Phenomenon of ‘Speaking Objects’ in the Late Geometric and Archaic Periods (Arbeitstitel)

Margaux Depaermentier (2023)
Mobilität, Sozialstrukturen und Lebensweise im spätantiken Basilia und im frühmittelalterlichen Bazela

Daniele Furlan (2022)
The interaction of infantry, cavalry and chariots in Neo-Assyrian war tactics

Philipp Gleich (2022)
Die "Goldberg-III-Gruppe": Polykulturelles Zusammenleben in Oberschwaben im frühen dritten Jahrtausend v. Chr.?

Tobias Krapf (2022)
La céramique du Bronze Récent en Grèce du Nord et en Albanie: consommation et production. (Arbeitstitel)

Marina Sartori (2022)
Between the (Brush)lines. Script- and Figure-Pictoriality in New Kingdom Theban Tombs

Ann-Kathrin Stähle (2022)
Mythen bei Sidonius Apollinaris (Arbeitstitel)

Emanuele Casini (2020)
Reassessing the Valley of the Queens: Archaeological, social, and archival research with particular focus on the New Kingdom

Julianna Kitti Paksi (2020)
Diglossia and the Function of Linguistic Variety in the Ramesside Texts

Katharina Suter-Meyer (2019)
Geographie als Mittel zum rerum cognoscere causas in der Welt des Wissens und der Gelehrten – Eine Analyse der Kommentare des Humanisten Joachim Vadians zur antiken Weltbeschreibung des Pomponius Mela

Frederik Rogner (2019)
Raum und Narrativität in der Flachbildkunst des ägyptischen Neuen Reiches

Eugenio Garosi (2019)
The Ambivalence of Language: Expression of Power and Administrative Function in Arabic Documents from Early Islamic Egypt

Matthias Stern (2019)
Der Pagarch. Finanzverwaltung, Lokalpolitik und soziale Kontrolle im byzantinischen Ägypten

Katharina Vogt (2019)
Meir – Die Nekropole im Mittleren Reich. Eine Archivgrabung

Anna Flückiger (2018)
Das Castrum Rauracense und sein "suburbium" vom späten 4. bis zum 6. Jahrhundert n. Chr. (Arbeitstitel)

Anne-Sophie Meyer (2018)
Natur und Krieg: Lucans Bellum Civile kontextualisiert

Laura Diegel (2017)
Aliquid nostris rebus lucis adferreLife writing am Ende der römischen Republik und zu Beginn der Kaiserzeit

Christian Guerra (2015)
Enea Silvio Piccolominis Commentarii de rebus a se gestis - Gattungtheoretische und narratologische Überlegungen vor dem Hintergrund der antiken Geschichtsschreibung

Hannes Flück (2015)
An der Ausfallstrasse nach Augusta Raurica - Auswertung eines Handwerkerquartiers in der Zivilsiedlung West des Legionslagers von Vindonissa

Cédric Scheidegger Lämmle (2015)
Ille ego. Werkpolitik in der antiken Literatur

Rainer Nutz (2014)
Zu den ökonomischen Grundlagen der Gesellschaftsstruktur in der 12. Dynastie


Yasmin Müller
Zugänglichkeit, Vermittlung und Erfahrung von funerärem Wissen im Alten Ägypten (Arbeitstitel)

Florence Becher-Häusermann
Théodore Tronchin (Theodorus Tronchinus), Geneva, 17th century correspondence: transcription, translation, commentary

Salome Bertschi
Soziale Mitgliedschaften von professionellen Arenakämpfern der römischen Antike (Arbeitstitel)

Serena Causo
The Crisis of the Irrigation System in Third Century Egypt

Simon Christian Raith
The Fayum in Late Aniquity: Society and Economy in the 3rd and 4th centuries

Audrey Crabbé
Multi-discplinary studies on the human-animal relationship in Deir el-Medina and the wider Theban area during the New Kingdom (working title)

Valerie Muhmenthaler
Die weibliche Partizipation an den offiziellen sportlichen Wettkämpfen von der griechischen Spätklassik bis zur römischen Kaiserzeit (4. Jh. v. – 4. Jh. n. Chr.)

Gaëtan Schaller
Le latin mérovingien;  étude linguistique des documents originaux et non littéraires du 7ème et 8ème siècle.

Stefania Tateo
Property Rights in Graeco-Roman Egypt

Jakob Zeller
Narrativität und Landschaft in den Werken des Petrus Martyr Anglerius (1457-1526)

Interdisciplinary offerings such as the annual graduate conference are dedicated to cultural research on antiquity, are methodologically and theoretically oriented, and include sociological issues (e.g., domination, ethnicity, religion, gender, economics, migration) or cultural and art studies issues (e.g., image-text relations, iconography, aesthetics).

Upcoming Graduate conference

No entries available.

Graduate conferences of the past years

10 Dec 2024 - 11 Dec 2024
09:00  - 16:45

Am 10.12: Alte Universität, Besprechung 003 / Am 11.12: Alte Universität, Seminarraum -201

Basel Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizations (DBAW), Organizers: Laurence Cappa Dafflon, Christine Luz Martin

Events, Colloquium, Workshop

The Future of Epigraphy. From Manual Copying to Digital Reconstruction - Workshop

Workshop for doctoral and master students - open to BA-students and participants from other universities. Organized by the Department of Ancient Civilizations
09 Dec 2024

Rosshof, Schnitz (Rosshofgasse), S01

Basel Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizations (DBAW), Organizers: Laurence Cappa Dafflon, Christine Luz Martin

Events, Colloquium, Workshop

The Future of Epigraphy. From Manual Copying to Digital Reconstruction - Public Lecture

Plakat Veranstaltung
Public Lecture, organized by the Department of Ancient Civilizations
04 Dec 2024 - 05 Dec 2024

Hotel Odelya, Missionsstrasse 21, 4055 Basel

Dr. Stefania Alfarano (Fachbereich Alte Geschichte) & Sara Baldin, MA (Fachbereich Alte Geschichte)

Congress / Conference / Symposium

Humans and the Landscape(s): An Everlasting Story of Mutual Interactions

Plakat Veranstaltung
Internationale Graduiertentagung im Rahmen des Doktoratsprogramms des Departements Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Basel - Teilnahme für Externe per Zoom möglich
27 Nov 2023 - 28 Nov 2023

Bildungszentrum 21/Hotel Odelya, Missionsstrasse 21, 4055 Basel

Dr. Matthias Müller (Fachbereich Ägyptologie) & Niccolò Savaresi, MA (Fachbereich Klassische Archäologie)

Congress / Conference / Symposium

Borders? Borders! Separation Lines, Joining Spaces

Plakat der Graduiertentagung
Internationale Graduiertentagung im Rahmen des Doktoratsprogramms des Departements Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Basel
07 Nov 2023 - 08 Nov 2023

Bildungszentrum 21/Hotel Odelya, Missionsstrasse 21, 4055 Basel

Dr. Matthias Müller (Fachbereich Ägyptologie) & Niccolò Savaresi, MA (Fachbereich Klassische Archäologie)


Borders? Borders! - The Workshop

Plakat der Graduiertentagung
Introductory workshop in preparation of the Graduiertentagung on Borderscapes
28 Nov 2022 - 29 Nov 2022

Bildungszentrum 21/Hotel Odelya, Missionsstrasse 21, 4055 Basel

Dr. Stefania Alfarano (Fachbereich Alte Geschichte) & Jacqueline M. Huwyler, M.A. (Fachbereich Ägyptologie)

Congress / Conference / Symposium

"Wer bin ich?" Kulturkontakt und Identität (Entstehung, Pflege und Veränderung) in der Antike

Graduiertentagung 2022
Internationale Graduiertentagung im Rahmen des Doktoratsprogramms des Departements Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Basel
29 Nov 2021 - 30 Nov 2021
09:00  - 12:30

Bildungszentrum 21 Missionsstrasse 21, 4055 Basel Aufgrund der Covid19-Pandemie sowohl vor Ort als auch auf der Plattform Zoom

Dr. Christine Luz Martin (Fachbereich Gräzistik) und Marina Sartori MA (Fachbereich Ägyptologie)

Events, Congress / Conference / Symposium

„Aus alt mach neu“: Wiederverwertung, Weiterverarbeitung und Recycling in der antiken Welt

Internationale Graduiertentagung im Rahmen des Doktoratsprogramms des Departements Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Basel
30 Nov 2020 - 01 Dec 2020
09:00  - 09:30

Digital Aufgrund der Covid19-Pandemie auf der Plattform Zoom

Dr. Ana Zora Maspoli (Fachbereich Provinzialrömische Archäologie - Vindonissa Professur) und Ilaria Gullo MA (Fachbereich Klassische Archäologie)

Events, Congress / Conference / Symposium

Wohin des Weges? Mobilität und Migration im Altertum

Internationale Graduiertentagung im Rahmen des Doktoratsprogramms des Departements Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Basel
02 Dec 2019 - 03 Dec 2019
09:00  - 12:15

Bildungszentrum 21, Missionsstrasse 21, 4055 Basel

Dr. Hans-Hubertus Münch (Fachbereich Ägyptologie) und Sandra Vera Kyewski MA (Fachbereich Klassische Archäologie)

Events, Congress / Conference / Symposium

Beutekunst?! Die Restitutionsdebatte in den Altertumswissenschaften

Internationale Graduiertentagung im Rahmen des Doktoratsprogramms des Departements Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Basel
03 Dec 2018 - 04 Dec 2018
10:00  - 14:00

Bildungszentrum 21, Missionsstrasse 21, 4055 Basel

Dr. Veronika Sossau (Fachbereich Klassische Archäologie) und Amanda Gabriel MA (Fachbereich Ur- und Frühgeschichtliche und Provinzialrömische Archäologie)

Events, Congress / Conference / Symposium

Konstruktion von Geschichte und «erfundene Traditionen»

Internationale Graduiertentagung im Rahmen des Doktoratsprogramms des Departements Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Basel

Executive Board of the Doctoral Program

Chair of the Executive Board

Scientific coordination

Representative of Group I

PostDoc Representative

PhD Representative